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ICOADS Web information page (Thursday, 30-Jun-2016 16:30:41 UTC):
Translation information
Chinese/Global Ocean Data Archeology and Rescue (GODAR) Ships (deck 781)
(by ESRL)
German Maury Collection (deck 721; 1845-68)
(by ESRL)
International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT-3) Format (deck 926)
(by ESRL)
International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT-4) Format (deck 926)
(by ESRL)
International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT-5) Format (deck 926)
(by ESRL)
Japanese Whaling Ship Data (CDMP/MIT digitization) (deck 761; 1946-84)
(by ESRL)
UK Royal Navy WW II Logs
(by UK Met Office)
US Maury Collection (deck 701; 1784-1863)
(by ESRL)
US Marine Meteorological Journals Collection (deck 704; 1878-94)
(by ESRL)
US Navy Hourlies (deck 117; 1951-64)
(by ESRL)
Simple file directories of translation information/software for above/additional data collections (note: these contain fragmentary information, which the 2012 termination of ICOADS development provided insufficient time to organize satisfactorily):
Atmospheric Circ. Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Data (deck 247)
(by NCEI)
Australian Navy Vessels: SST Data (deck 750; 1974-77)
(by ESRL)
Byrd Antarctic Expedition (keyed by Hollings Scholars) (deck 736; 1929-34)
(by ESRL)
Canadian Oceanography and Scientific Data (OSD; ISDM/MEDS) Buoys (deck 714; 1978-) (by ESRL)
Chinese/Global Ocean Data Archeology and Rescue (GODAR) Ships (deck 781)
(by ESRL; webpage above)
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Marine Meteorological Archive: Compo Subset (deck 720; 1884-1914)
DWD Marine Meteorological Archive: Newly Digitized Data (deck 720; 1876-1902)
DWD Marine Meteorological Archive: HISTOR Data (deck 720; 1882-99)
(by ESRL)
DWD Marine Meteorological Archive: German Light Vessels (deck 720; 1929-88)
(by ESRL)
DWD Marine Meteorological Archive: HISTOR Data (deck 720; 1868-1907)
(by ESRL)
German Deep Drifter Data (via OSD; originally from IfM/Univ. Kiel) (deck 715; 1980-96) (by ESRL)
German Maury Collection (deck 721; 1845-68)
(by ESRL; webpage above)
Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array (GTMBA) from PMEL via NOC (deck 146; 1977-2014)
(by UK NOC)
Japanese Kobe Collection Data (IMMT format; 2003 Edition)(deck 762; 1889-1940)
(by ESRL)
Japanese Whaling Ship Data (CDMP/MIT digitization) (deck 761; 1946-84)
(by ESRL; webpage above)
Multi-source translation "templates" for Releases 1a-1c
(by various organizations)
North Polar expedition of the Fram (deck 734; 1893-96)
(by NCAR)
North Polar expedition of the Fram (deck 734; 1898-1902)
(by NCEI)
North Polar expedition with the Maud (deck 734; 1918-25)
(by NCAR)
Norwegian Logbook Collection (deck 702; 1867-89)
(by ESRL)
(by NCAR)
Reprocessing of Early US Air Force and Navy GTS sources (decks 555, 888)
(by ESRL)
Research Vessel (R/V) Data Quality-Evaluated by FSU/COAPS: WOCE ver.3.0 (deck 740; SID 130; 1990-98)
(by FSU)
Research Vessel (R/V) Data Quality-Evaluated by FSU/COAPS: SAMOS (deck 740; SID 131; 2005-15)
(by FSU)
Russian AARI NP Station data (deck 733)
(by NCAR)
Russian MORMET (deck 732; 1888-)
(by NCAR)
Russian Makarov Collection (deck 731; 1804-1891)
(by NCAR)
Russian Research Vessel (R/V) Digitization (deck 735)
(by NCAR)
UK Main Marine Data Bank (MDB; decks 201-255)
(by Met Office; DRAFT
US Lightship Collection (deck 703; 1931-1980)
(by NCEI)
US Marine Meteorological Journals Collection (deck 704; 1878-94)
(by ESRL; webpage above)
US Maury Collection (deck 701; 1784-1863)
(by ESRL; webpage above)
US Merchant Marine 1912-46 Collection (decks 705-707)
(by NCEI)
US National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Data (deck 883; 1980-2004)
(by ESRL)
US Navy Hourlies (deck 117; 1951-64)
(by ESRL; webpage above)
US Navy Marine (US-keyed ship data; hourly METAR format) (deck 708; 2001-2012)
(by NCEI)
World Ocean Atlas 1994 (WOA94; deck 780)
(by NCAR)
World Ocean Database 1998 (WOD98; deck 780)
(by NCAR)
World Ocean Database 2005 (WOD05; deck 780)
(by NCAR)
World Ocean Database 2013 (WOD13; deck 780)
(by NCAR)
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Updated: Jun 30, 2016 16:30:41 UTC