ICOADS Web information page (Tuesday, 24-May-2016 18:56:25 UTC):

Release 3.0 Coverage Maps

Note: Counts for the three partial decades (1854-59, 2000-07, and 2010-14) were adjusted (/years x 10) to be comparable to the full decades.

Release 1 1800 - 1809 RH Release 2.5 1800 - 1809 RH Release 3.0 1800 - 1809 RH
Release 1 1800 - 1809 SLP map map
Release 1 1800 - 1809 SST map map
Release 1 1800 - 1809 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 1810 - 1819 RH Release 2.5 1810 - 1819 RH Release 3.0 1810 - 1819 RH
Release 1 1810 - 1819 SLP map map
Release 1 1810 - 1819 SST map map
Release 1 1810 - 1819 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 1820 - 1829 RH Release 2.5 1820 - 1829 RH Release 3.0 1820 - 1829 RH
Release 1 1820 - 1829 SLP map map
Release 1 1820 - 1829 SST map map
Release 1 1820 - 1829 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 1830 - 1839 RH Release 2.5 1830 - 1839 RH Release 3.0 1830 - 1839 RH
Release 1 1830 - 1839 SLP map map
Release 1 1830 - 1839 SST map map
Release 1 1830 - 1839 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 1840 - 1849 RH map map
Release 1 1840 - 1849 SST map map
Release 1 1840 - 1849 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 1850 - 1859 RH map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
Release 1 1870 - 1879 RH map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
Release 1 1900 - 1909 RH map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
map map map
map map map
map map map
map map map
color bar
Release 1 1980 - 1989 RH map map
Release 1 1980 - 1989 SLP map map
Release 1 1980 - 1989 SST map map
Release 1 1980 - 1989 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 1990 - 1999 RH map map
Release 1 1990 - 1999 SLP map map
Release 1 1990 - 1999 SST map map
Release 1 1990 - 1999 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 2000 - 2009 RH map map
Release 1 2000 - 2009 SLP map map
Release 1 2000 - 2009 SST map map
Release 1 2000 - 2009 WSPD map map
color bar
Release 1 2010 - 2019 RH Release 2.5 2010 - 2019 RH map
Release 1 2010 - 2019 SLP Release 2.5 2010 - 2019 SLP map
Release 1 2010 - 2019 SST Release 2.5 2010 - 2019 SST map
Release 1 2010 - 2019 WSPD Release 2.5 2010 - 2019 WSPD map
color bar

[Documentation and Software][Release 3 Data Characteristics]

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Document maintained by icoads@noaa.gov
Updated: May 24, 2016 18:56:25 UTC