Fourth International
Workshop on Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT-IV)


The Fourth International Workshop on the Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT-IV) is the latest in the series of community led workshops with the aim of advancing the use of historical marine climate data. The series brings together scientists, developers and managers of climate data sets and with the users of those data sets, with an underlying focus on the continuation of the evaluation and improvement of the International Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS). This meeting will have a focus on:

  1. Data homogenization (benchmarking, bias adjustments, step change analysis, metadata)
  2. Quantification and estimation of uncertainty
  3. Data management, recovery and reprocessing (digitisation efforts and reprocessing of previously digitised data)
  4. Reconstructing past climates
  5. Integrating In-situ / satellite data sources
  6. Consistency of the climate across domain boundaries (land, ocean, surface, subsurface, atmosphere)
  7. The role of ICOADS and applications of marine climate data
  8. Review of the 10-year action plan

The meeting will be held over 5 days with a series of oral (20 minute slots, 15 minutes + 5 minute questions) and poster (A0 size) presentation sessions. The sessions are planned to finish early on the Tuesday and Wednesday to enable side meetings to take place.


The proceedings was published in JCOMM Technical Report No. 131, including abstracts, electronic (pdf) presentations from authors, and a workshop discussion summary. The Technical Report will be distributed to all participants and National Meteorological Services. Additional key expected outcomes of the meeting are:

MARCDAT-IV home U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hosts the icoads website privacy disclaimer
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Updated: Feb 6, 2017 16:17:59 UTC