===================================D R A F T=================================== Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS): Release 1a Documentation Specifications for Translation into LMR.6 15 October 1993 ======================================================================== Document Revision Information (previous version: 6 October 1993): Minor revisions were made to section 2, field 30, and to section 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {1. Introduction} This document describes the specifications for translation of different input formats into the LMR.6 format (see ). The specifications are organized as follows: for each of the 72 LMR.6 output fields, the input formats are listed (in alphabetic order). For each of the input formats, the input field or the input field positions used to construct a given output field are indicated, together with any special rules ((a), (b), etc.) required. Section 3 gives specifications for the input format positions included in the contents of supplemental attachment (Attm4). Additional notes, indicated in square brackets (e.g., [1]), appear in section 4. The followings are general rules that apply to the conversion of each input data field into the corresponding LMR.6 output field: If the input field is specified identically to LMR.6, no change is necessary in mapping the input field into LMR.6. If the input field contains illegal characters or is out of range, the output field is assigned the missing value and the input field is retained in the error attachment (Attm5). If the input field is blank (or, for a binary field, contains an alternative representation for missing) and is not one of indicators listed in [1], then the input field is considered missing and the output field is assigned the missing value. However, if the input field is one of indicators listed in [1], blanks in some cases have a meaning other than "missing". If there is no corresponding input field, we set the output field either to a constant value or to the missing value, as described in section 2. If there are two input fields such that either one could be used independently to construct the corresponding output field, we first assign a priority number to each input, and then we retain the input field with first priority in the supplemental attachment (Attm4). If the input field with first priority contains no illegal characters and is within range, it is mapped into LMR.6. Otherwise, if the input data with first priority contains illegal characters, is out of range, or is missing, we use the input data with second priority. If the input data with second priority also contains illegal characters, or is out of range, the output field is assigned the missing value and the input data with second priority is retained in the error attachment (Attm5). {2. Specifications} 1) B10 10-degree box IATTC : input = latitude, longitude (a): Convert latitude and longitude to NCDC quadrant [2]. (b): Convert latitude, longitude and NCDC quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (c): Convert Marsden Square to B10. IMMT : input = octant of the globe (pos.11) latitude (pos.12-14) longitude (pos.15-17) (a): If octant of the globe equals 1, 2, 6, or 7 and longitude is less than 900, add 1000 to longitude. (b): Convert octant of the globe to NCDC quadrant [2]. (c): Convert latitude, longitude and NCDC quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (d): Convert Marsden Square to B10. MEDS : input = latitude (pos.50-53) longitude (pos.54-57) (a): Convert latitude and longitude to NCDC quadrant [2]. (b): Convert latitude, longitude and NCDC quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (c): Convert Marsden Square to B10. PMEL.66 : input = latitude, longitude (a): Convert latitude and longitude to NCDC quadrant [2]. (b): Convert latitude, longitude and NCDC quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (c): Convert Marsden Square to B10. PMEL.67 : input = latitude, longitude (a): Convert latitude and longitude to NCDC quadrant [2]. (b): Convert latitude, longitude and NCDC quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (c): Convert Marsden Square to B10. TD1129 : input = marsden square (pos.4-6) quadrant (pos.9) latitude (pos.10-12) longitude (pos.13-16) (a): Convert latitude, longitude and quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (b): If marsden square (pos.4-6) from input contains illegal characters, is out of range, or is missing, then the entire input report is written to the reject file. (c): If Marsden Square from (a) and marsden square (pos.4-6) from input are different, then the entire input report is written to the reject file. (d): Convert Marsden Square to B10. TD1171 : input = marsden square (pos.4-6) latitude (pos.29-31), hemisphere (pos.32) longitude (pos.33-36), hemisphere (pos.37) (a): Convert hemisphere (pos.32) and hemisphere (pos.37) to NCDC quadrant [2]. (b): Convert latitude, longitude and NCDC quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (c): If marsden square (pos.4-6) from input contains illegal characters, is out of range, or is missing, then the entire input report is written to the reject file. (d): If Marsden Square from (a) and marsden square (pos.4-6) from input are different, then the entire input report is written to the reject file. (e): Convert Marsden Square to B10. USSR_B : input = octant of the globe (pos.11) latitude (pos.12-13) longitude (pos.14-15) (a): If octant of the globe equals 1, or 2, or 6, or 7 and longitude is less then 900, add 1000 to longitude. (b): Convert octant of the globe to NCDC quadrant [2]. (c): Convert latitude, longitude and NCDC quadrant to Marsden Square by NCDC Method for calculation of Marsden Square [3]. (d): Convert Marsden Square to B10. 2) YR year IATTC : input = year (a): Add 1900 to the input. IMMT : input = year (pos.2-3) (a): Add 1900 to the input. MEDS : input = year (pos.6-9) PMEL.66 : input = year (a): Add 1900 to the input. PMEL.67 : input = year (a): Add 1900 to the input. TD1129 : input = year (pos.17-20) TD1171 : input = year (pos.17-20) USSR_B : input = year (pos.6-7) COMMENT : If the input field contains all blanks, illegal characters, or is out of range, then the entire input report is written to the reject file; otherwise the LMR.6 output always contains a valid field. 3) MO month IATTC : input = month IMMT : input = month (pos.4-5) MEDS : input = month (pos.10-11) PMEL.66 : input = none (a): Computed from julian day. PMEL.67 : input = month TD1129 : input = month (pos.21-22) TD1171 : input = month (pos.21-22) USSR_B : input = month (pos.8) COMMENT : If the input field contains all blanks, illegal characters, or is out of range, then the entire input report is written to the reject file; otherwise the LMR.6 output always contains a valid field. 4) DY day IATTC : input = day IMMT : input = day (pos.6-7) MEDS : input = day (pos.12-13) PMEL.66 : input = none (a): Computed from julian day. PMEL.67 : input = day TD1129 : input = day (pos.23-24) TD1171 : input = day (pos.23-24) USSR_B : input = day (pos.9) 5) HR hour IATTC : input = hour and minute (a): Change the input units from hour and minute to hundredths of hours. (b): YR, MO, DY, and HR are local date and time on input. Local date and time are converted to GMT. Some YR, MO, and DY are necessarily changed during the conversion to GMT. Local times recorded exactly on a western time zone boundary are interpreted to be in the time zone adjacent and eastward from that boundary. IMMT : input = hour (pos.8-9) (a): Multiply the input by 100 (the fractional part of HR becomes 00). MEDS : input = hour (pos.14-15) (a): Separate hours and minutes from the 4 digit (0-2359) time base and convert to decimal hours. PMEL.66 : input = hour and minute (a): Change the input units from hour and minute to hundredths of hours. PMEL.67 : input = hour (a): Hour in record indicates the starting time of the average interval. It has been changed to indicate the center of averaging interval. Therefore, hours originally recorded as 0 were changed to 12 and hours recorded as 12 were changed to 23.99 . TD1129 : input = hour (pos.25-26) (a): Multiply the input by 100 (the fractional part of HR becomes 00). TD1171 : input = hour (pos.25-26) (prior to 1988) hour (pos.25-26),minute (pos.27-28) (beginning in 1988) (a): Prior to 1988 Multiply the input by 100 (the fractional part of HR becomes 00). (b): Beginning in 1988 Change the input units from hour and minute to hundredths of hours. If the input of hour or minute contains illegal characters, or is out of range, we retain both inputs in the error attachment. USSR_B : input = hour (pos.10) (a): Multiply the input by 100 (the fractional part of HR becomes 00). 6) TI time indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set TI = 2 (hour plus minutes). IMMT : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of hour (above field) is not missing, set TI = 0 (nearest whole hour). MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of hour (above field) is not missing, set TI = 2 (hour plus minutes). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set TI = 2 (hour plus minutes). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set TI = 0 (nearest whole hour). TD1129 : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of hour (above field) is not missing, set TI = 0 (nearest whole hour). TD1171 : input = no corresponding field (a): Prior to 1988 If the input of hour (above field) is not missing, set TI = 0 (nearest whole hour). (b): Beginning in 1988 If the input of hour and minute (above field) is not missing, set TI = 2 (hour plus minutes). USSR_B : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of hour (above field) is not missing, set TI = 0 (nearest whole hour). 7) LON longitude IATTC : input = longitude (a): West longitude is positive and east longitude is negative. Signs of longitude are reversed in reports, so that east longitudes are positive and west longitudes are negative. (b): Longitudes are then converted to the 0 to 360 positive eastward system. (c): Longitudes of 360 are changed to 0. IMMT : input = octant of the globe (pos.11) longitude (pos.15-17) (a): If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 0, 1, 5, or 6, the input is 'WEST'. If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 2, 3, 7, or 8, the input is 'EAST'. (b): If octant of the globe equals 1, 2, 6, or 7 and longitude is less than 900, add 1000 to longitude. (c): Convert octant of the globe and longitude to LON. MEDS : input = longitude (pos.54-57) (a): Convert west (0 to +180) and east (0 to -180) longitude to LON. PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Positions obtained from PMEL documentation. PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Positions obtained from PMEL documentation. TD1129 : input = quadrant (pos.9) longitude (pos.13-16) (a): If quadrant (pos.9) equals 1 or 3, the input is 'WEST'. If quadrant (pos.9) equals 2 or 4, the input is 'EAST'. (b): Convert quadrant and longitude to LON. TD1171 : input = longitude (pos.33-36) hemisphere (pos.37) (a): Convert hemisphere and longitude to LON. USSR_B : input = octant of the globe (pos.11) longitude (pos.14-15) (a): If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 0, 1, 5, or 6, the input is 'WEST'. If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 2, 3, 7, or 8, the input is 'EAST'. (b): If octant of the globe equals 1, 2, 6, or 7 and longitude is less than 900, add 1000 to longitude. (c): Convert octant of the globe and longitude to LON. COMMENT : If the input field contains all blanks, illegal characters, or is out of range, then the entire input report is written to the reject file; otherwise the LMR.6 output always contains a valid field. 8) LAT latitude IATTC : input = latitude IMMT : input = octant of the globe (pos.11) latitude (pos.12-14) (a): If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 0, 1, 2, or 3, the input is 'NORTH'. If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 5, 6, 7, or 8, the input is 'SOUTH'. (b): Convert octant of the globe and latitude to LAT. MEDS : input = latitude (pos. 50-53) PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Positions obtained from PMEL documentation. PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Positions obtained from PMEL documentation. TD1129 : input = quadrant (pos.9) latitude (pos.10-12) (a): If quadrant (pos.9) equals 1 or 2, the input is 'NORTH'. If quadrant (pos.9) equals 3 or 4, the input is 'SOUTH'. (b): Convert quadrant and latitude to LAT. TD1171 : input = latitude (pos.29-31) hemisphere (pos.32) (a): Convert hemisphere and latitude to LAT. USSR_B : input = octant of the globe (pos.11) latitude (pos.12-13) (a): If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 0, 1, 2, or 3, the input is 'NORTH'. If octant of the globe (pos.11) equals 5, 6, 7, or 8, the input is 'SOUTH'. (b): Convert octant of the globe and latitude to LAT. COMMENT : If the input field contains all blanks, illegal characters, or is out of range, then the entire input report is written to the reject file; otherwise the LMR.6 output always contains a valid field. 9) LI lat/lon indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 0 (degrees and tenths). (b): The input format provides an position accuracy indicator. This value is not used, but is placed in the supplemental data attachment. (c): Values for the reported accuracy indicator are, Porpoise Observer Logs: 1) 10 ... report accurate to 1 minute 2) 11 ... report accurate to 1 degree 3) 12 ... report estimated to 1 degree 4) 13 ... ????? Fishing Logs: 1) 20 ... position by satellite navigation 2) 21 ... report accurate to .5 degrees 3) 22 ... report accurate to within 1 degree, based on dead reckoning 4) 23 ... report accurate to within 5 degrees IMMT : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 0 (degrees and tenths). MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 5 (high resolution data). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 5 (high resolution data). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 0 (degrees and tenths). TD1129 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 0 (degrees and tenths). TD1171 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 0 (degrees and tenths). USSR_B : input = no corresponding field (a): Set LI = 0 (degrees and tenths). 10) DCK deck IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DCK = 667 (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC)). IMMT : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DCK = 926 (International Maritime Meteorological (IMM) data). MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DCK = 714 (Canadian Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) Buoys). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DCK = 144 (PMEL Atlas Buoys). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DCK = 145 (Daily Equatorial Moorings and Island Stations). TD1129 : input = source deck no. (pos.1-3) TD1171 : input = source ID (pos.1-3) (unused) (a): Set DCK = 883 (NDBC Buoy and C-MAN Data). USSR_B : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DCK = 732 (USSR ship data - received at NCAR). 11) SID source ID IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set SID = 70 (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Porpoise Obs. Logs) for porpoise observer logs. (b): Set SID = 71 (IATTC Fishing Logs) for fishing logs. IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): Set SID = 61 (Canadian Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) Buoys). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set SID = 66 (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) Atlas Buoys). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set SID = 67 (PMEL (Daily) Equatorial Moorings and Island Stations). TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field COMMENT : SID is read from the COADS update tape list. 12) PT platform type IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set PT = 5 (ship). IMMT : input = ship identifier (pos.69-75) (a): Set PT = missing value. MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): Use the WMO Buoy number (pos.1-5) to determine PT: If the right-most 3 digits have a value 000-499, set PT = 6 (moored buoy). If the right-most 3 digits have a value 501-999, set PT = 7 (drifting buoy). If the right-most 3 digits have the value 000 or 500, set PT = missing value. PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set PT = 6 (moored buoy). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set PT = 6 (moored buoy) for buoys. (b): Set PT = 14 (other coastal/island station) for island stations. TD1129 : input = ship, OSV, or buoy call sign or number (pos.91-97) (unused) (a): Set PT = missing value. TD1171 : input = station identifier (left justified) (pos.10-16) (unused) (a): Set PT = missing value. USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 13) QI quality indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 14) DS dup status IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 15) DC dup check IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 16) TC track check IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 17) PB pressure bias IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 18) DI wind direction indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DI = 1 (32-point compass). If D was missing, DI was set to missing. IMMT : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of true wind dir. (next field) is not missing, set DI = 0 (36-point compass). MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): If D is not missing and is given in 10's of degrees, set DI = 0 (36-point compass). (b): If D is not missing and is given in whole degrees, set DI = 5 (360-point compass). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DI = 6 (high resolution data). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set DI = 6 (high resolution data). TD1129 : input = wind dir indicator (pos.27) (a): Map the input to DI as follows. input DI ' ' 0 = 36-point scale '0' 1 = 32-point scale '1' 2 = 16 of 36-point scale '2' 3 = 16 of 32-point scale TD1171 : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of std. wind dir. (next field) is not missing, set DI = 5 (360-point compass). USSR_B : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of true wind dir. (next field) is not missing, set DI = 0 (36-point compass). 19) D wind direction IATTC : input = wind direction (a): There is no wind direction in the porpoise observer logs, set D = missing value. (b): If both speed and direction are 0 for fishing logs, set D = 361 (calm). IMMT : input = true wind direction (pos.23-24) (a): Map the input to D as follows. pos.23-24 D '00' 361=calm '01' 10 '02' 20 '03' 30 '04' 40 '05' 50 '06' 60 '07' 70 '08' 80 '09' 90 '10' 100 '11' 110 '12' 120 '13' 130 '14' 140 '15' 150 '16' 160 '17' 170 '18' 180 '19' 190 '20' 200 '21' 210 '22' 220 '23' 230 '24' 240 '25' 250 '26' 260 '27' 270 '28' 280 '29' 290 '30' 300 '31' 310 '32' 320 '33' 330 '34' 340 '35' 350 '36' 360 '99' 362=variable MEDS : input = true wind direction (pos.78-81) (a): Early data deliveries from MEDS had true wind direction in 10's of degrees, but for later deliveries it was given in whole degrees. (b): If the input equals 0, set D = 361 (calm). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Computed from u and v wind components. (b): If both u and v were 0, set D = 361 (calm). (c): If either u or v or both were missing, set D = missing value. (d): If there was an error in wind speed, the u wind component was placed in the D error attachment and the v wind component was placed in the W error attachment. PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Computed from u and v wind components. (b): If both u and v were 0, set D = 361 (calm). (c): If either u or v or both were missing, set D = missing value. (d): If there was an error in wind speed, the u wind component was placed in the D error attachment and the v wind component was placed in the W error attachment. TD1129 : input = wind direction (pos.28-29) (a): If the input equals 99, set D = 362 (variable). If the input equals 0, set D = 361 (calm). (b): If the input doesn't equal 0 or 99, then convert DI (above field) and the input to D. (see Release 1, supp. F, Table F2-1) TD1171 : input = std. wind dir. (pos.58-60) (a): If the input equals 0, set D = 361 (calm). USSR_B : input = true wind direction (pos.33) (a): If the input equals 0, set D = 361 (calm). (b): If the input equals 99, set D = 362 (variable). (c): If it is neither (a) nor (b), multiply the input by 10. 20) WI wind speed indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set WI = 3 (knot,estimated (or unknown?). IMMT : input = indicator for wind speed (pos.10) MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): Set WI = 1 (meter per second, measured). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set WI = 8 (high resolution measurement). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set WI = 8 (high resolution measurement). TD1129 : input = wind speed indicator (pos.30) (second priority) original wind speed units indicator (pos.98) (first priority) (a): If both inputs contain no illegal characters and are within range, combine them together as the input of WI as follows: pos.30 pos.98 WI ' ' '1' 3 = knot,estimated (or unknown?) ' ' '2' 0 = meter per second,estimated (or unknown?) '0' '1' 4 = knot, measured '0' '2' 1 = meter per second, measured (b): If it is not the case (a) mentioned above and if the first priority contains no illegal characters and is within range, then we use the first priority as the input of WI. Map the first priority to WI as follows: pos.98 WI '1' 3 = knot,estimated (or unknown?) '2' 0 = meter per second, estimated (or unknown?) (c): If the first priority contains illegal characters, is out of range, or is missing, then we use the second priority as the input of WI. Map the second priority to WI as follows: pos.30 WI ' ' 6 = estimated (units unknown) '0' 7 = measured (units unknown) If the second priority contains illegal characters or is out of range, set WI = missing value and retain the second priority in the error attachment. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field (a): If the input of wind speed (next field) is not missing, set WI = 8 (high resolution measurement). USSR_B : input = indicator for wind speed (pos.32) 21) W wind speed IATTC : input = wind speed in knots (a): Converted to m/s. IMMT : input = wind speed (pos.25-26) (a): If the indicator for wind speed (above field) equals 0 or 1, the input units are m/s. If the indicator for wind speed (above field) equals 3 or 4, the input units are knots. If the indicator for wind speed (above field) is any other value, retain the input in the error attachment. (b): Transfer the input wind speed to W, with a conversion to m/s if the input units are knots [4]. MEDS : input = wind speed (pos. 74-77) PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Computed wind speed from u and v wind components; the input units are m/s. (b): If either u or v or both are missing, set W = missing value. (c): If there was an error in wind speed, the u wind component was placed in the D error attachment and the v wind component was placed in the W error attachment. PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Computed wind speed from u and v wind components; the input units are m/s. (b): If either u or v or both are missing, set W = missing value. (c): If there was an error in wind speed, the u wind component was placed in the D error attachment and the v wind component was placed in the W error attachment. TD1129 : input = wind speed (pos.31-33) (a): Convert the input from knots to m/s [4]. (b): If the result is between 0 and 102.2 m/s, then it is within range. [Note: NCDC (1989) specifies that the wind speed can range as high as 199 knots,i.e.,102.4 m/s.] TD1171 : input = std. wind speed (pos.61-64) (a): Convert the input from tenths of knots to m/s. USSR_B : input = wind speed (pos. 35) (a): If the indicator for wind speed (above field) is 0 or 1, the input units are m/s. If the indicator for wind speed (above field) is 3 or 4, the input units are knots. If the indicator for wind speed (above field) is any other value , retain the input in the error attachment. If the indicator for wind speed (above field) is missing, assume input units are m/s. (b): Transfer the input wind speed to W, with a conversion to m/s if the input units are knots [4]. 22) VI visibility indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = cloud height and visibility measuring indicator (pos.18) (a): Map the input to VI as follows: pos.18 VI '0' 0 = estimated (or unknown methods of observation) '1' 0 = estimated (or unknown methods of observation) '2' 1 = measured '3' 1 = measured MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = visibility indicator (pos.34) (a): Map the input to VI as follows: pos.34 VI ' ' 0 = estimated (or unknown method of observation) '0' 1 = measured '1' 2 = fog present TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = cloud height and visibility measuring indicator (pos.29) (a): If input is 0 or 1, set VI = 0 (estimated). If input is 2 or 3, set VI = 1 (measured). 23) VV visibility IATTC : input = visibility (a): Input is in nautical miles. Assuming U.S. nautical miles the input was converted to kilometers and WMO VV code was then determined. IMMT : input = visibility (pos.20-21) (a): If the input equals 53, set VV = missing value, retain 53 in the error attachment, and VI (field 22) = 2 (fog was present). MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = visibility (pos.35-36) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = visibility (pos.30) (a): If the input equals 53, set VV = missing value, retain 53 in the error attachment, and VI (field 22) = 2 (fog was present). 24) WW present weather IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = present weather (pos.39-40) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = present weather (pos.37-38) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = present weather (pos.49) 25) W1 past weather IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = past weather (pos.41) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = past weather (pos.39) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = past weather (pos.50) 26) W2 second past weather IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = past weather (pos.42) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = second most significant past weather (pos.118) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = past weather (pos.51) 27) SLP sea level pressure IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = air pressure (pos.35-38) (a): If the input is less than 1000, add 10000 to the input. MEDS : input = sea level pressure (pos.66-69) PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = sea level pressure (a): Input was in hundredths of a millibar and was rounded to tenths. TD1129 : input = sea level pressure (pos.40-44) (a): If the input is between 8700 and 10746, then the input is within range. [Note: in NCDC (1989), 8900-10700 is specified to be within range.] TD1171 : input = sea level pressure (pos.53-57) (a): If the input is between 8700 and 10746, then the input is within range. [Note: in NCDC (1987), 8900-10700 is specified to be within range.] USSR_B : input = air pressure (pos.46-47) 28) T1 temperature indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set T1 = 0 (degree Celsius and tenths). IMMT : input = temperature indicator (pos.1) (a): Map the input to T1 as follows: pos.1 T1 '0' or '3' 0 = degrees Celsius and tenths '1' or '4' 1 = half degrees Celsius '2' or '5' 2 = whole degrees Celsius MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): Set T1 = 8 (high resolution data). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set T1 = 8 (high resolution data). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set T1 = 8 (high resolution data). TD1129 : input = temps indicator (pos.45) (second priority) original temperature units indicator (pos.99) (first priority) (a): If the first priority contains no illegal characters and is within range, then we map the first priority to T1 as follows: pos.99 T1 '1' 0 = degree Celsius and tenths '2' 4 = degrees Fahrenheit and tenths '3' 2 = whole degrees Celsius '4' 6 = whole degrees Fahrenheit '5' 1 = half degrees Celsius '6' 5 = half degrees Fahrenheit '7' 7 = F and tenths, except dew point to whole F '8' 3 = C and tenths, except dew point to whole C (b): If the first priority contains illegal characters, is out of range, or is missing, then we map the second priority to T1 as follows: pos.45 T1 '1' 0 = degree Celsius and tenths '3' 2 = whole degrees Celsius '5' 1 = half degrees Celsius ' ' missing value If the second priority contains illegal characters or is out of range, set T1 = missing value and retain the second priority in the error attachment. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set T1 = 0 (degree Celsius and tenths). USSR_B : input = temperature indicator (pos.16) (a): Preliminary analysis showed that this value was always set to 6, which is an invalid IMMT code. Personal communications indicated that all temperatures were in 0.1 degree C. Therefore, set T1 = 0 (degree Celsius and tenths). (b): Input pos.16 is always placed in the supplemental data attachment. (c): Tests are made to detect any input pos.16 that does not equal 6. 29) AT air temperature IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = sign of temperature (pos.27) air temperature (pos.28-30) (a): If sign (pos.27) equals 0, the input is a positive value. If sign (pos.27) equals 1, the input is a negative value. MEDS : input = air temperature (pos. 82-85) PMEL.66 : input = air temperature (a): Input was in hundredths of a degree and was rounded to tenths. PMEL.67 : input = air temperature (a): Input was in hundredths of a degree and was rounded to tenths. (b): In addition to the standard missing value of -99.99, this field also has a missing value of -999.99 . TD1129 : input = air temperature (pos.46-49) TD1171 : input = air temp (pos.41-44) USSR_B : input = air temperature (pos.37-38) 30) WBT wet bulb temperature IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = sign of wet-bulb/dew-point temperature (pos.31) wet-bulb or dew-point temperature (pos.32-34) or (sign of computed wet-bulb or dew-point temperature (pos.86) computed wet-bulb or dew-point temperature (pos.87-89)) (a): For each possible combination of pos.31 and pos.84. the following table shows whether the inputs (pos.31-34 and pos.86-89) for WBT and/or DPT qualify for further consideration. Note that ice bulb temperature, indicated by 7 in pos.31, is stored in WBT. If "no inputs" is indicated, both WBT and DPT are set to missing and the inputs are retained in the error attachment if not blank. In addition, the table shows whether T2 (field 67) is set to 0, 1, 2, or the missing value (bottom). (pos.31) ___________________________________________________________________ | |blank |0 or 1 |5 or 6 |7 |error | |_______|__________ |___________|___________|___________|___________| |blank |no inputs |dew-point |wet-bulb |ice-bulb |no inputs | | | |(pos.31-34)|(pos.31-34)|(pos.31-34)| | | |T2=missing |T2=1 |T2=0 |T2=2 |T2=missing | |_______|___________|___________|___________|___________|___________| (pos.86)|0 or 1 |dew-point |no inputs |dew-point |dew-point |dew-point | | |(pos.86-89)| |(pos.86-89)|(pos.86-89)|(pos.86-89)| | | | |wet-bulb |ice-bulb | | | | | |(pos.31-34)|(pos.31-34)| | | |T2=0 |T2=missing |T2=0 |T2=2 |T2=0 | |_______|___________|___________|___________|___________|___________| |5 or 6 |wet-bulb |dew-point |no inputs |no inputs |wet-bulb | | |(pos.86-89)|(pos.31-34)| | |(pos.86-89)| | | |wet-bulb | | | | | | |(pos.86-89)| | | | | |T2=1 |T2=1 |T2=missing |T2=missing |T2=1 | |_______|__________ |___________|___________|___________|___________| |error |no inputs |dew-point |wet-bulb |ice-bulb |no inputs | | | |(pos.31-34)|(pos.31-34)|(pos.31-34)| | | |T2=missing |T2=1 |T2=0 |T2=2 |T2=missing | |_______|___________|___________|___________|___________|___________| (b): If (pos.32-34) contains illegal characters, or is out of range, retain (pos.31-34) in the error attachment. If (pos.87-89) contains illegal characters, or is out of range, retain (pos.86-89) in the error attachment. (c): If sign (pos.31) or sign (pos.86) equals 0 or 5, the input is positive. If sign (pos.31) or sign (pos.86) equals 1 or 6, the input is negative. If sign (pos.31) equals 7, the input is negative ice-bulb temperature (WBT = ice-bulb temperature). MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = wet bulb temperature (pos.50-53) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = wet bulb temperature (pos.40-41) 31) DPT dew point temperature IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = sign of computed wet-bulb or dew-point temperature (pos.86) computed wet-bulb or dew-point temperature (pos.87-89) or (sign of wet-bulb/dew-point temperature (pos.31) wet-bulb or dew-point temperature (pos.32-34)) (a): Refer to WBT. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = dew point temperature (pos.54-57) TD1171 : input = dew point temp.(pos.45-48) USSR_B : input = dew point temperature (pos.43-44) 32) SST sea surface temperature IATTC : input = sea surface temperature IMMT : input = sign of sea-surface temperature (pos.47) sea-surface temperature (pos.48-50) (a): If sign (pos.47) equals 0, the input is positive. If sign (pos.47) equals 1, the input is negative. MEDS : input = sea surface temperature (pos.70-73) PMEL.66 : input = sea-surface temperature (a): Input was in hundredths of a degree and was rounded to tenths. PMEL.67 : input = sea-surface temperature (a): Input was in hundredths of a degree and was rounded to tenths. TD1129 : input = sea surface temperature (pos.58-61) TD1171 : input = sea surface temp. (pos.49-52) USSR_B : input = sea-surface temperature (pos.62-63) 33) SI sea surface temperature method indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set SI = 9 (unknown or non-bucket). IMMT : input = indicator for sea-surface temperature measurement (pos.51) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set SI = 12 (electronic sensor). PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field (a): Set SI = 12 (electronic sensor). TD1129 : input = sea temperature method indicator (pos.100) (a): Map the input to SI as follows: pos.100 SI 'I' 1 = condenser inlet (intake) 'B' 0 = bucket '0' 0 = bucket '1' 1 = condenser inlet (intake) '2' 2 = trailing thermistor '3' 3 = hull contact sensor '4' 4 = through hull sensor '5' 5 = radiation thermometer '6' 6 = bait tanks thermometer '7' 7 = others '8' missing value ' ' 9 = unknown or non-bucket (prior to 1982) ' ' missing value (beginning in 1982) [Note: NCDC (1989) is unclear about the changes that took place in 1982.] TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = sea surface temperature indicator (pos.61) 34) N total cloud amount IATTC : input = cloud amounts in eights IMMT : input = cloud amount (pos.22) (a): If the input equals '/', set N = missing value and retain the input in the error attachment. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = total cloud amt. (pos.62) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = cloud amount (pos. 55) (a): IMMT character format has values 0-9 and /. In the USSR IMMT binary format / doesn't exist. Range checks are limited to values 0-9. 35) NH lower cloud amount IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = amount of lowest clouds (pos.43) (a): If the input equals '/', set N = missing value and retain the input in the error attachment. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = lower cloud amt. (pos.63) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = amount of lowest clouds (pos.56) (a): Same as for N. 36) CL low cloud type IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = genus of CL clouds (pos.44) (a): If the input equals '/', set CL = 10. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = low cloud type (pos.64) (a): If the input equals '-', set CL = 10. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = genus of CL clouds (pos.57) (a): Same as for N. 37) HI cloud height indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = cloud height and visibility measuring indicator (pos.18) (a): Map the input to HI as follows: pos.18 HI '0' 0 = estimated '1' 1 = measured '2' 1 = measured '3' 0 = estimated MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = cloud hgt. indicator (pos.65) (a): Map the input to HI as follows: pos.65 HI ' ' 0 = estimated '0' 1 = measured TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = cloud height and visibility measuring indicator (pos.29) (a): If input is 2, set HI = 1 (measured). If input is 3, set HI = 0 (estimated). 38) H cloud height IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = height of clouds (pos.19) (a): If the input equals '/', set H = 10. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = cloud height (pos.66) (a): If the input equals '-', set H = 10. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = height of clouds (pos.53) (a) Same as for N. 39) CM middle cloud type IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = genus of CM clouds (pos.45) (a): If the input equals '/', set CM = 10. MEDS : input = no corresponding value PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = mid. cloud type (pos.67) (a): If the input equals '-', set CM = 10. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = genus of CM clouds (pos.58) (a): Same as for N. 40) CH high cloud type IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = genus of CH clouds (pos.46) (a): If the input equals '/', set CH = 10. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = high cloud type (pos.68) (a): If the input equals '-', set CH = 10. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = genus of CH clouds (pos.59) (a) Same as for N. 41) WD wave direction IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = direction of waves (pos.69-70) (a): If the input is greater than 36 and not equal to 49 or 99, then the input is out of range. If the input equals 49, set WD = 37. If the input equals 99, set WD = 38. TD1171 : input = principal wave direction (pos.84-86) (a): Map the input to WD as follows: pos.84-86 WD '000' 0 '005-014' 1 '015-024' 2 '025-034' 3 '035-044' 4 '045-054' 5 '055-064' 6 '065-074' 7 '075-084' 8 '085-094' 9 '095-104' 10 '105-114' 11 '115-124' 12 '125-134' 13 '135-144' 14 '144-154' 15 '155-164' 16 '165-174' 17 '175-184' 18 '185-194' 19 '195-204' 20 '205-214' 21 '215-224' 22 '225-234' 23 '235-244' 24 '245-254' 25 '255-264' 26 '265-274' 27 '275-284' 28 '285-294' 29 '295-304' 30 '305-314' 31 '315-324' 32 '325-334' 33 '335-344' 34 '345-354' 35 '355-004' 36 USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 42) WP wave period IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = period of wind waves or of measured waves (pos.53-54) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = period of waves (pos.71) (second priority) period of waves (pos.101-102) (first priority) (a): If the first priority contains no illegal characters and is within range, then we use the first priority as the input of WP. If the first priority is greater than 30, then it is out of range [Note: NCDC (1989) specifies that 00-99 is within range]. (b): If the first priority contains illegal characters, is out of range, or is missing, then we use the second priority as the input of WP. Map the second priority to WP as follows: pos.71 WP '2' 5 = 5 seconds or less '3' 7 = 6-7 seconds '4' 9 = 8-9 seconds '5' 11 = 10-11 seconds '6' 13 = 12-13 seconds '7' 15 = 14-15 seconds '8' 17 = 16-17 seconds '9' 19 = 18-19 seconds '0' 21 = 20-21 seconds '1' 22 = over 21 seconds '-' 0 = calm or period not determined ' ' missing value If the second priority contains illegal characters or is out of range, set WP = missing value and retain the second priority in the error attachment. TD1171 : input = dominant wave period (pos.78-80) USSR_B : input = period of wind waves (pos.66) COMMENT : If we accept the second priority as the input of WP, then we set WX (field 69)=1. So we can compute both together. 43) WH wave height IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = height of wind waves or of measured waves (pos.55-56) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = height of waves (pos.72-73) TD1171 : input = significant wave height (pos.75-77) USSR_B : input = height of wind waves (pos.68) 44) SD swell direction IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = direction of predominant swell waves (pos.57-58) (a): If the input equals 99, change SD = 38. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = direction of swell (pos.74-75) (a): Follow the same procedure as WD (field 41). TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = direction of predominant swell waves (pos.70) (a): If the input equals 99, change SD = 38. 45) SP swell period IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = period of predominant swell waves (pos.59-60) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = period of swell (pos.76) (second priority) period of swell (pos.103-104) (first priority) (a): If the first priority contains no illegal characters and is within range, then we use the first priority as the input of SP. If the first priority is between 0 than 30, then it is within range. [Note: NCDC (1989) specifies that 00-99 is within range.] (b): If the first priority contains illegal characters, is out of range, or is missing, then we use the second priority as the input of SP . Map the second priority to SP as follows: Prior to 1968, follow the same procedure as WP (field 42). Beginning in 1968 pos.76 SP '0' 10 = 10 seconds '1' 11 = 11 seconds '2' 12 = 12 seconds '3' 13 = 13 seconds '4' 14 = 14 seconds or more '5' 5 = 5 seconds or less '6' 6 = 6 seconds '7' 7 = 7 seconds '8' 8 = 8 seconds '9' 9 = 9 seconds '-' 0 = calm or period not determined ' ' missing value If the second priority contains illegal characters or is out of range, set SP = missing value and retain the second priority in the error attachment. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = period of predominant swell waves (pos.71) COMMENT : If we accept the second priority as the input of SP, then we set SX (field 70) = 1. So we can compute both together. 46) SH swell height IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = height of predominant swell waves (pos.61-62) MEDS : input = no corresponding value PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = height of swell (pos.77-78) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = height of predominant swell waves (pos.72) 47) C1 country code IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = country which has recruited ship (pos.76-77) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = country code (pos.79-80) (a): Map the input to C1 as follows. pos.79-80 C1 '0 ' or '} ' or '00' 00 = Netherlands '0J' or '}J' or '01' 01 = Norway '0K' or '}K' or '02' 02 = USA '0L' or '}L' or '03' 03 = UK '0M' or '}M' or '04' 04 = France '0N' or '}N' or '05' 05 = Denmark '0O' or '}O' or '06' 06 = Italy '0P' or '}P' or '07' 07 = India '0Q' or '}Q' or '08' 08 = Hong Kong '0R' or '}R' or '09' 09 = New Zealand '1 ' or 'J ' or '10' 10 = Ireland '1J' or 'JJ' or '11' 11 = Philippines '1K' or 'JK' or '12' 12 = Egypt '1L' or 'JL' or '13' 13 = Canada '1M' or 'JM' or '14' 14 = Belgium '1N' or 'JN' or '15' 15 = South Africa '1O' or 'JO' or '16' 16 = Australia '1P' or 'JP' or '17' 17 = Japan '1Q' or 'JQ' or '18' 18 = Pakistan '1R' or 'JR' or '19' 19 = Argentina '2 ' or 'K ' or '20' 20 = Sweden '2J' or 'KJ' or '21' 21 = Federal Rep. of Germany '2K' or 'KK' or '22' 22 = Iceland '2L' or 'KL' or '23' 23 = Israel '2M' or 'KM' or '24' 24 = Malaysia '2N' or 'KN' or '25' 25 = USSR '2O' or 'KO' or '26' 26 = Finland '2P' or 'KP' or '27' 27 = Republic of Korea '2Q' or 'KQ' or '28' 28 = New Caledonia '2R' or 'KR' or '29' 29 = Portugal '3 ' or 'L ' or '30' 30 = Spain '3J' or 'LJ' or '31' 31 = Thailand '3K' or 'LK' or '32' 32 = Yugoslavia '3L' or 'LL' or '33' 33 = Poland '3M' or 'LM' or '34' 34 = Brazil '3N' or 'LN' or '35' 35 = Singapore '3O' or 'LO' or '36' 36 = Kenya '3P' or 'LP' or '37' 37 = Tanzania '3Q' or 'LQ' or '38' 38 = Uganda '3R' or 'LR' or '39' 39 = Mexico '4 ' or 'M ' or '40' 40 = German Democratic Republic [Note: The original TD-1129 country code characters are retained in the supplemental data attachment.] TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = country which has recruited ship (pos.26-27) 48) C2 second country code IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field (a): C2 is read from the COADS update tape list. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 49) SC ship course IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = ship course (pos.94) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = ship direction (pos.81) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = ship course (pos.87) 50) SS ship speed IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = ship speed (pos.95) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = ship speed (pos.82) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = ship speed (pos.89) 51) A barometric tendency IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = pressure characteristic (pos.90) MEDS : input = pressure tendency code (pos.86) (a): Pressure tendency code is given as a signed number in MEDS, if A is missing and PPP is present use the sign of PPP to determine A. PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = barometric tendency (pos.83) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = pressure characteristic (pos.82) 52) PPP amount of SLP change IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = amount of change (pos.91-93) MEDS : input = pressure tendency (pos. 87-90) (a): Pressure tendency is given as a signed number in MEDS, remove the sign. PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = amount of pressure change (pos.84-86) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = value of pressure tendency (pos.84-85) 53) IS ice accretion IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = ice accretion on ships (pos.63) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = type of ice accretion on ship (pos.87) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = ice accretion on ships (pos.91) 54) ES ice thickness IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = thickness of ice accretion (pos.64-65) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = ice thickness on ship (pos.88-89) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = thickness of ice accretion (pos.92) 55) RS ice accretion rate IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = rate of ice accretion (pos.66) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = rate of ice accretion (pos.90) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = rate of ice accretion (pos.93) 56) II ID indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field (a): Set II = 8 (IATTC pseudo ID). IMMT : input = ship identifier (pos.69-75) (a): If input is not missing, set II = 0 (ID present, but unknown type). MEDS : input = no corresponding field (a): If WMO Buoy number is present and all characters are numeric set II = 3 (WMO 5-digit buoy number), otherwise set II = 0 (ID present, but unknown type). PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = ship, OSV, or buoy call sign or number (pos.91-97) (a): If input is not missing, set II = 0 (ID present, but unknown type). TD1171 : input = station identifier (pos.10-16) (a): If input is not missing, set II = 0 (ID present, but unknown type). USSR_B : input = ship identifier (pos.20-25) (a): If input is not missing, set II = 0 (ID present, but unknown type). 57-64) ID(8) ID/call sign IATTC : input = 3 or 4 digit psuedo-identification ship number IMMT : input (57-64) = ship identifier (right justified) (pos.69-75) (a): If the input contains at least one non-blank, then the input begins at the first non-blank. MEDS : input = WMO Buoy number (pos.1-5) PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input (57-64) = ship, OSV, or buoy call sign or number (pos.91-97) TD1171 : input (57-64) = station identifier (pos.10-16) USSR_B : input (57-64) = ship identifier (right justified) (pos.20-25) (a): Left justify non-blank characters in fields 57-62. COMMENT : The input is assigned sequentially, one character at a time, to ID(1)...ID(8). If the input is less than 8 characters or digits in length, then any output field without a corresponding input is assigned the missing value. 65) OS observation source IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = source of observation (pos.67) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = source of observation (pos.17) 66) OP observation platform IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = observation platform (pos.68) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = immt observation platform (pos.146) TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = observation platform (pos.18) 67) T2 second temperature indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = sign of wet-bulb/dew-point temperature (pos.31) sign of computed wet-bulb or dew-point temperature (pos.86) (a): For the method of computation, please refer to WBT (field 30). MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 68) IX station/weather indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = present and past weather indicator (pos.79) MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = weather operation type and past and present weather indicator (pos.148) (a): If the input equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, then the input is the LMR.6 specification. If the input equals ' ', set IX = missing value. [Note: NCDC (1989) states that the IX indicator was initiated with the 1982 WMO code change.] TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = present and past weather indicator (pos.19) 69) WX wave period indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = period of waves (pos.71) (a): If period of waves (pos.71) is the input for WP, set WX = 1. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 70) SX swell period indicator IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = period of swell (pos.76) (a): If period of swell (pos.76) is the input for SP, set SX = 1. TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 71) IRD IMM receipt date IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field (a): IRD is read from the COADS input tape list. MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field 72) A6 allowance 6 flag IATTC : input = no corresponding field IMMT : input = no corresponding field MEDS : input = no corresponding field PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = no corresponding field TD1171 : input = no corresponding field USSR_B : input = no corresponding field {3. Contents of supplemental attachment (Attm4)} IATTC : input for SID 70 = (pos.24-27), (pos.55-58) : input for SID 71 = (pos.25-28) The porpoise observer data (SID=70) included a position accuracy indicator and a non-standard weather code indicator attached in that order. The fishing log data (SID=71) included a position accuracy indicator. The accuracy indicators are fully described with variable LI. The weather code was assigned as follows: 00 = no weather, 01 = fog, 02 = haze, 03 = rain shower, 04 = steady rain. IMMT : input for length of 124 characters = (pos.52), (pos.78), (pos.80-85), (pos.96-124) input for length of 120 characters = (pos.52), (pos.78), (pos.80-85), (pos.96-120) input for length of 106 characters = (pos.52), (pos.78), (pos.80-85), (pos.96-106) MEDS : input = (pos.24-35), (pos.99-106) The GTS bulletin header (pos.24-35) was attached to each input record. Quality control flags (pos.99-106) were attached to each input record by MEDS. Those flags (in order of placement) are: 1) message flag, 2) lat and lon, 3) surface pressure, 4) SST, 5) wind speed, 6) wind direction, 7) air temperature, and 8) pressure tendency. The message flag has three special settings: 'A' means no quality control was performed, 'B' means range and time checks are those defined prior to 1 May 1989, and 'C' means range and time checks are those following 1 May 1989. PMEL.66 : input = no corresponding field PMEL.67 : input = no corresponding field TD1129 : input = (pos.79-80), (pos.98-124), (pos.141-148) TD1171 : input = (pos.38-40), (pos.65-152) USSR_B : 38 data elements are placed in the supplemental attachment. The table below defines the parameter, the original position in the input format, the number of bytes, and order within the supplemental attachment. Element Parameter Input position Number of Comments number name (byte) bytes --------- --------- -------------- --------- --------- 1 narea 1-2 2 WDCB defined areas 2 n10sq 3-4 2 WDCB defined 10*10 sq. 3 n1sq 5 1 WDCB defined 1*1 sq. 4 Q 11 1 octant 5 it 16 1 format indicator 6 ic 28 1 quality control ind. 7 q2 31 1 q. ind. visibility 8 q4 34 1 q. ind. wind direc. 9 q5 36 1 q. ind. wind speed 10 q6 39 1 q. ind. air temp. 11 q7 42 1 q. ind. wet b. temp. 12 q19 45 1 q. ind. dew p. temp. 13 q8 48 1 q. ind. air pressure 14 q9 52 1 q. ind. weather 15 q1 54 1 q. ind. cloud height 16 q3 60 1 q. ind. clouds 17 q10 64 1 q. ind. sea surf. t 18 ipw 65 1 wave measurement ind. 19 q11 67 1 q. ind. wave period 20 q12 69 1 q. ind. wave height 21 dw2 73 1 2nd swell direction 22 pw2 74 1 2nd swell period 23 hw2 75 1 2nd swell height 24 q13 76 1 q. ind. swell 25 ir 77 1 rainfall indicator 26 rrr 78-79 2 rainfall amount 27 q14 80 1 q. ind. rainfall amnt. 28 tr 81 1 rainfall period 29 q15 83 1 q. ind. press. tenden. 30 q16 86 1 q. ind. p. tend. amnt. 31 q17 88 1 q. ind. ship course 32 q18 90 1 q. ind. ship speed 33 ci 94 1 dist. of sea ice 34 si 95 1 thickness of ice 35 bi 96 1 amnt. of icebergs 36 di 97 1 bearing of ice edge 37 zi 98 1 ice conditions 38 rr 99-100 2 reserved {4. Notes} [1] Indicators The inputs of following fields in section 2 were modified to make them consistent with the inputs of related fields, as follows: 6) time indicator (TI) If the input of hour (HR) is missing but time indicator (TI) is not missing, change the input of time indicator (TI) to missing. 18) wind direction indicator (DI) If the input of wind direction (D) is missing but wind direction indicator (DI) is not missing, change the input of wind direction indicator (DI) to missing. 20) wind speed indicator (WI) If the input of wind speed (W) is missing but wind speed indicator (WI) is not missing, change the input of wind speed indicator (WI) to missing. 22) visibility indicator (VI) If the input of visibility (VV) is missing but visibility indicator (VI) is not missing, change the input of visibility indicator (VI) to missing. 28) temperature indicator (T1) If the inputs of all of the temperature fields (air temp. (AT), wet bulb temp. (WBT), dew point temp. (DPT), sea surface temp. (SST)) are either missing or have no corresponding field, but the temperature indicator (T1) is not missing, change the input of temperature indicator (T1) to missing. 33) sea surface temperature method indicator (SI) If the input of sea surface temp. (SST) is missing but sea surface temperature method indicator (SI) is not missing, change the input of sea surface temperature method indicator (SI) to missing. 37) cloud height indicator (HI) If the input of cloud height (H) is missing but cloud height indicator (HI) is not missing, change the input of cloud height indicator (HI) to missing. [2] NCDC Quadrant (from NCDC (1989)) The NCDC devised its own code for quadrant several years ago which differs from WMO code. All marine data in the NCDC 1129 data base for the period 1854 through the present time contain the NCDC quadrant code. Conversions from WMO octant and quadrant and from Cardinal direction (E, W, N,S) provided in original buoy data are: WMO WMO Buoy NCDC Octant Quadrant Lat Long Quadrant 0 (0-90W) 7 N W 1 1 (90-180W) 2 (180-90E) 1 N E 2 3 (90E-0) 5 (0-90W) 5 S W 3 6 (90-18W) 7 (180-90E) 3 S E 4 8 (90-0E) The incoming NMC data records do not contain quadrant. The NCDC quadrant is calculated from + or - Latitude and 0 - 360 degrees Longitude: 1. Check Latitude sign, + or - If -, quadrant = 2 If +, quadrant = 0 2. If the longitude is greater than or equal to 180, add 2 to the quadrant computed under #1. 3. If the longitude is less than 180, add 1 to the quadrant. [3] NCDC Method of Marsden Square (from NCDC (1989)) Calculation of Marsden Square 1. The tens digit of latitude is multiplied by 36 giving A. 2. The longitude is divided by 10 and the decimal portion truncated (not rounded). The quotient is increased by one giving B. 3. If the quadrant is 2 or 4, B is subtracted from 37 giving C. C is added to A giving D. a. If the quadrant is 2 and the latitude is less than 80 degrees, the Marsden square is D. b. If the quadrant is 2 and the latitude is 80 degrees or greater, the Marsden Square is D plus 612. c. If the quadrant is 4, the Marsden Square is D plus 299. 4. If the quadrant is 1 or 3, add A to B giving E. a. If the quadrant is 1 and the latitude is less than 80 degrees, the Marsden Square is E. b. If the quadrant is 1 and the latitude is 80 degrees or greater, the Marsden Square is E plus 612. c. If the quadrant is 3, the Marsden Square is E plus 299. The quadrant used in this derivation is NCDC quadrant [2]. Example: latitude 83.7, longitude 118.6, quadrant 1. A = 36 x 8 = 288 B = 118.6 / 10 = 11.86; 11+1 = 12 Since the quadrant is 1, E = A+B = 288+12 = 300 Since the latitude is greater than 80 degrees, the Marsden Square = E+612 = 300+612 = 912 If the latitude is equal to 90.0 degrees, it is changed to 89.9 to calculate the correct Marsden Square only. The original value of 90.0 degrees is retained in the data base. [NOTE: The following additional text appeared in NCDC (1989), but was not implemented for our work.] When a ship is positioned exactly on 180.0 degrees longitude the Marsden square given is the square into which the ship headed. For example, a ship located at 180.0 degrees and 83.0 degrees N in quadrant 1 will be in Marsden square 918 headed into 919. The Marsden square given in the data record will be 919 and quadrant will be retained as 1. [4] Wind speeds in knots were converted to m/s by multiplying by 0.514444444444. {References} NCDC (National Climatic Data Center), 1989: TD-1129 Marine Data Users Reference: 1970-Current. NCDC, Asheville, N.C. NCDC (National Climatic Data Center), 1987: TD 1171 NDBC Data Users Reference: May 1987.