ICOADS Web information page (Tuesday, 07-Jan-2014 23:57:59 UTC):

Figure 3. Upper panel: Close-up of 1° LNDLMT (green for land and white for
ocean) and 2° LLN2F1 values (0 = ocean, 1 = land, 2 = coastal) for North
America. Lower panel: Differences between LLN2F1 and a 2° file landmask,
LNDLMT(2), reconstructed from LNDLMT without editing (differences are confined
to North America). Yellow (pink) shows 2° boxes modified in LLN2F1 to become
land (coast).
[Links to detailed][Landmask files]
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hosts the icoads website
Document maintained by icoads@noaa.gov
Updated: Jan 7, 2014 23:57:59 UTC