PreFilCK program CASE RecTC = T ship IDS mis match Header-> UK045139 data sid-> US045139 The error is on or near line-> 242 T 620US04513919320126 0938 1148S 3539W EXS 3 3004 82 82 81 C V CU CI SE 5 EXS 2 PreFilCK program CASE RecTC = T ship IDS mis match Header-> UK045139 data sid-> US045139 The error is on or near line-> 243 T 620US04513919320127 0931 1528S 3422W E 2 3000 81 82 82 B V ACU CU E 4 EXS 2 PreFilCK program CASE RecTC = T ship IDS mis match Header-> UK045139 data sid-> US045139 The error is on or near line-> 244 T 620US04513919320128 0925 1910S 3846W E 2 3017 82 82 79 B V ACU E 1 E 1 PreFilCK program CASE RecTC = T ship IDS mis match Header-> UK045139 data sid-> US045139 The error is on or near line-> 245 T 620US04513919320129 0915 2245S 4111W NE 4 3015 79 80 70 B C V CI ST SE 7 NE 3 PreFilCK program CASE RecTC = T ship IDS mis match Header-> UK045139 data sid-> US045139 The error is on or near line-> 246 T 620US04513919320130 0904 2559S 4407W NXE 4 3010 80 81 78 B Z CI NEXN 4 NE 3 PreFilCK program CASE RecTC = T ship IDS mis match Header-> UK045139 data sid-> US045139 The error is on or near line-> 247 T 620US04513919320131 0850 2847S 4642W ESE 3 3006 79 80 78 O R STCU NB SSW 10 S 4 PreFilCK program CASE RecTC = T ship IDS mis match Header-> UK045139 data sid-> US045139 The error is on or near line-> 248 T 620US04513919320202 0841 3143S 4942W W 1 3000 80 84 78 B V CIST WNW 4 EXN 2