VITIAZ data file contains data of the world cruise of the Russian ship "Vitiaz" for 1886-1889. All data are from the book S.O.Makarov "Vitiaz and Pacific Ocean", Saint-Petersburg, 1894. Each observation is represented as one symbol line. The length of the line is 36 symbols. The format of the line is the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Variable Positions True Comment value ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Year 1-4 1886-1890 2 Month 5-6 3 Date 7-8 4 Hours 9-10 5 Minutes 11-12 6 Time of day 13 a,p a-before noon(0-11 hour) p-after noon(12-23 hour) 7 Degrees of latitude 14-15 8 Minutes of latitude 16-17 9 Sign of latitude 18 s,n s-south latitude n-north latitude 10 Degrees of longitude 19-21 11 Minutes of longitude 22-23 12 Sign of longitude 24 e,w e-east longitude w-west longitude 13 Sea surface 25-27 degrees centigrate x 10 temperature 14 Air temperature 28-31 degrees centigrate x 10 15 Wind direction 32-34 s,n,w,e s-south, n-north e-east, w-west 16 Speed of wind 35-36 0-10 Scale of Bofort -------------------------------------------------------------------