/****************************************************************** * tempConv.java - This class contains methods for converting * various temperature units. * Unless noted otherwise, conversions taken from * http://icoads.noaa.gov/software/lmrlib * @author Eric Freeman * date 2/01/2008 */ package gov.noaa.ncdc.marine.lightship; public class TempConverter { /***************************************************************** The conv_CtoF method receives a temperature in Celsius and returns the temperature in Fahrenheit. Equation from: List, R.J., 1966: Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 527 pp. Table 2(p.17) @param tempC a double containing the temperature (C) @return a double containing the temperature (F) */ public static double conv_CtoF(double tempC) { return ((9.0/5.0) * tempC) + 32; } /****************************************************************** The conv_FtoC method receives a temperature in Fahrenheit and returns the temperature in Celsius. Equation from: List, R.J., 1966: Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 527 pp. Table 2(p.17) @param tempF a double containing the temperature (F) @return a double containing the temperature (C) */ public static double conv_FtoC(double tempF) { return (5.0 / 9.0) * (tempF - 32) ; } /****************************************************************** The conv_KtoC method receives a temperature in Kelvin and returns the temperature in Celsius. Equation from: National Weather Service @ http://www.srh.noaa.gov/elp/wxcalc/formulas/tempConvert.html @param tempK a double containing the temperature (K) @return a double containing the temperature (C) */ public static double conv_KtoC(double tempK) { return tempK + 273.15; } /****************************************************************** The conv_CtoK method receives a temperature in Celsius and returns the temperature in Kelvin. Equation from: National Weather Service @ http://www.srh.noaa.gov/elp/wxcalc/formulas/tempConvert.html @param tempC a double containing the temperature (C) @return a double containing the temperature (K) */ public static double conv_CtoK(double tempC) { return tempC - 273.15; } /****************************************************************** The conv_KtoF method receives a temperature in Kelvin and returns the temperature in Fahrenheit. Equation from: National Weather Service @ http://www.srh.noaa.gov/elp/wxcalc/formulas/tempConvert.html @param tempK a double containing the temperature (K) @return a double containing the temperature (F) */ public static double conv_KtoF(double tempK) { return (9.0/5.0) * (tempK - 273.15) + 32; } /****************************************************************** The conv_FtoK method receives a temperature in Fahrenheit and returns the temperature in Kelvin. Equation from: National Weather Service @ http://www.srh.noaa.gov/elp/wxcalc/formulas/tempConvert.html @param tempF a double containing the temperature (F) @return a double containing the temperature (K) */ public static double conv_FtoK(double tempF) { return ((5.0/9.0) * (tempF - 32)) - 273.15; } /***************************************************************** The conv_CtoR method receives a temperature in Celsius and returns the temperature in Reaumur. Equation from: List, R.J., 1966: Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 527 pp. Table 2(p.17) @param tempC a double containing the temperature (C) @return a double containing the temperature (R) */ public static double conv_CtoR(double tempC) { return (4.0/5.0) * tempC; } /***************************************************************** The conv_RtoC method receives a temperature in Reaumur and returns the temperature in Celsius. Equation from: List, R.J., 1966: Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 527 pp. Table 2(p.17) @param tempR a double containing the temperature (R) @return a double containing the temperature (C) */ public static double conv_RtoC(double tempR) { return (5.0/4.0) * tempR; } }