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Recommendations from MARCDAT-I, Boulder 2002.

A. SST and Surface Temperature Working Group

  1. Re-examine the historic bias corrections to SST, especially for the late 1930s through the end of the 1940s.

  2. All the metadata in the issues of WMO Publication No. 47 (International List of Selected, Supplementary and Auxiliary Ships) should be digitized.

  3. Biases in recent night marine air temperature (NMAT) data should be evaluated, and NMAT interpolation techniques should be re-assessed.

  4. Use geostationary satellite and moored buoy data to analyse the diurnal cycle of SST, particularly in the tropical west Pacific warm pool.

  5. It is recommended that the Voluntary Observing Ship Climate (VOSClim) Project be extended, or a parallel project be initiated, to include buoys.

  6. Commence regular comparisons of the quality control (QC) procedures for SST. For these, common in situ input data should be used.

  7. Collate NOAA Pathfinder satellite SSTs for inland seas and large lakes.

  8. Develop sub-monthly analyses of SST since 1950.

  9. The Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) should provide recommendations on the blending of sea-ice data and on the interpretation of microwave observations of sea-ice. This will provide much-needed information on variations in sea ice thickness.

  10. It is desirable that the ETSI should provide an inventory of historical sea ice data for the Southern Ocean.

  11. The use of satellite SSTs in relationships between SST and sea ice concentration should be re-assessed owing to possible contamination of these SSTs by the sea-ice. Improved sea-ice data and relationships should be incorporated into SST analyses.

  12. Cloud-clearing techniques for satellite-based infrared SSTs should be compared.

  13. Regular comparisons of SST analyses should commence.

  14. All SST analyses need to include gridded fields of analysis error including bias correction error. Error covariances are also needed.

  15. Create monthly and sub-monthly blended SST/sea-ice products. Estimates of errors, and indications of sources of data, should be included in the product.

For further information, or to provide status updates, contact:

Dr. Elizabeth C. Kent,
James Rennell Division (254/26), National Oceanography Centre,
Southampton, European Way, SOUTHAMPTON, SO14 3ZH, UK
Tel(+Voice Mail): +44 (0)23 8059 6646; Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 6400

Consolidated Boulder/CLIMAR-II Recommendations

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