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Recommendations from MARCDAT-I, Boulder 2002.

B. Surface Pressure and Wind Working Group

  1. The Hadley Centre global monthly MSLP data set HadSLP should be updated.

  2. The Terms of Reference of the GCOS MSLP Working Group should be expanded to include surface winds.

  3. A catalogue of available pressure products should be developed.

  4. Florida State University will have a non-global (Pacific & Indian Oceans) data set of surface wind and MSLP, fluxes, and related variables from 1950 onwards.

  5. Appropriate techniques for the adjustment of both estimated and measured wind speed observations should be investigated and applied.

  6. Monthly wind statistics for 1854 to date should be computed using the adjusted estimated and measured winds.

  7. The Meteorological Service of Canada has created a high-resolution analysis of winds over the North Atlantic for 1958-1997. The use of historical daily MSLP fields to backdate this analysis should be investigated.

  8. Biases from the US Maury Collection pressure data set should be investigated.

  9. More observations on pressure are needed to improve historical MSLP analyses.

  10. The new JCOMM metadata base for moored and drifting buoys, and other ODAS (e.g., offshore platforms), should be populated with current and historical data.

  11. Merged ICOADS and WMO Publication No. 47 data 1980-97 should be made available.

  12. Improved monthly (and daily if possible) surface pressure for land stations should be made available for blended land-marine analysis.

  13. Improved Reanalysis techniques, currently being developed, should be used to produce a combined daily MSLP and surface wind product for as much of the world as possible back to the late 19th Century.

  14. For all gridded data sets, error estimates of wind and pressures should include grid box uncertainties and error covariance structures.

For further information, or to provide status updates, contact:

Dr. Elizabeth C. Kent,
James Rennell Division (254/26), National Oceanography Centre,
Southampton, European Way, SOUTHAMPTON, SO14 3ZH, UK
Tel(+Voice Mail): +44 (0)23 8059 6646; Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 6400

Consolidated Boulder/CLIMAR-II Recommendations

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Updated: Feb 4, 2009 20:28:48 UTC