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Recommendations from CLIMAR-II, Brussels 2003.

D. Climate Monitoring

  1. All observations should be taken following the GCOS Climate Monitoring Principles, remembering that any distinction between "operational" and "climate" observations is artificial.

  2. Because remotely sensed data are an important part of the climate record, it is recommended that the continuity and overlap of satellite missions should be planned in line with the GCOS Climate Monitoring Principles.

  3. It is important that we improve dialogue between Numerical Weather Prediction, climate and data-generation communities, through for example the GCOS Panels. Some CLIMAR-II participants should attend the JCOMM Products Workshop (OCEAN OPS04) (Toulouse, 10-15 May 2004) to broaden its scope.

  4. To ensure the extension of adequate climate observations into the future, it is necessary to define target accuracies for fields of each of the basic meteorological variables (SST, MAT, SLP, humidity, wind speed and direction, waves, cloud cover) and for their combination into flux fields (sensible heat, latent heat, longwave radiation, shortwave radiation, precipitation, atmospheric moisture, momentum). The adequacy of the observations collected, as measured against these requirements, should be regularly assessed. The Second Adequacy Report on the GCOS (GCOS, 2003) has already given an overall assessment, but the Statements of Guidance (SOG) on observing requirements for climate need to be completed and regularly updated through the GCOS Panels.

  5. Recommendations for standards in instrument location, mast design, stability.

  6. Develop, through JCOMM and its Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), a list of appropriate climate indices for winds, waves and SLP. Indices are a logical update in technology to marine meteorological summaries under the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS). Development of climate indices should be done in liaison with the WMO/CLIVAR/CCl Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices, and with the GCOS Panels.

  7. The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) should support extra spectral ocean wave measurements at existing sites in the Southern Ocean and tropics.

  8. Investigate the inclusion of wave information in ICOADS summaries.

For further information, or to provide status updates, contact:

Dr. Elizabeth C. Kent,
James Rennell Division (254/26), National Oceanography Centre,
Southampton, European Way, SOUTHAMPTON, SO14 3ZH, UK
Tel(+Voice Mail): +44 (0)23 8059 6646; Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 6400

Consolidated Boulder/CLIMAR-II Recommendations

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