Fourth International
Workshop on Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT-IV)

The Workshop is being organized and hosted by the UK National Oceanography Centre in providing the facilities, refreshments and local support. Additional assistance on the organisation of the meeting was provided by CIRES - University of Colorado, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Environment Canada, Florida State University, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), UK Met Office, and WMO/JCOMM.


The Fourth International Workshop on Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT-IV) will be held at the UK National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK from 18-22 July 2016. This workshop follows international marine workshops in Canada (1999), USA (2002), Belgium (2003), UK (2005), Poland (2008) and Frascati (2011) where MARCDAT alternates with more formal JCOMM Workshops on Advances in Marine Climatology (CLIMAR). These workshops have brought together a wide spectrum of marine data users, and managers of marine data and products, and have included an underlying focus on the continuing evaluation, utilization, and improvement of the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS).

MARCDAT-IV home U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hosts the icoads website privacy disclaimer
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Updated: Feb 6, 2017 16:17:27 UTC