Table 1. (a) Variables included in the groups of 2° (3-7) and 1° (3-7 plus 9) monthly summary statistics (available from NCAR). Derived variables closely related to heat and momentum fluxes are shown in boldface: wind pseudo-stresses (X, Y), and sensible-heat (E, I, J) and latent-heat (G, K, L, M, N) flux or transport parameters (QS is the saturation specific humidity at sea surface temperature). Note that transfer coefficients, etc. have not been applied to the pseudo-fluxes, e.g., UQ is simply the product of individual observations of U and Q. (b) The 8 (10) statistics included in the 2° (1°) groups. For 2° data, the full set of 19 variables × 14 statistics is also available (from NCAR) in an alternative (higher volume) format; the 14 statistics comprise all except "e" below, plus the additional sextiles (s0, s2, s4, s6). ERL's Climate Diagnostics Center also offers selected statistics in netCDF format, and both NCAR and NCDC distribute individual observations (see the COADS Web page at for additional information).

(a) Group numbering* (3-7, 9) and variables (abbreviations) included in 2° or 1° groups

34 5679 (1°)
Sea surface temperature (S)Scalar wind (W) Total cloud. (C)D=S - A I=UAM=FU
Air temperature (A)Wind U-component(U) RE=(S - A)W J=VAN=FV
Specific humidity (Q)Wind V-component(V) X=WUF=QS - Q K=UQB1**
Relative humidity (R)Sea level pressure (P) Y=WVG=(QS - Q)W L=VQB2**

(b) Statistics included in the 2° or 1° groups (lower-case abbreviations)

Statistics available from 2° and 1° groups Additional statistics available from 1° groups
dmean day-of-month of observations
hfraction of observations in daylight
xmean longitude of observations
ymean latitude of observations
nnumber of observations s11/6 sextile (a robust estimate of m - 1s)
mmeans5 5/6 sextile (a robust estimate of m + 1s)
estandard deviation estimate*** sstandard deviation
s33/6 sextile (the median)

* Groups 1-2 were for earlier Release 1 untrimmed data, and group 8 (containing, redundantly, S, A, X, Y) is available only for 1980-95 data.
** This is W3 (the identical quantity, using the same input data) represented at high- or low-resolution (i.e., data increments of 0.5 or 5 m3 s-3). Due to format constraints, values of W3 exceeding 32,767 m3 s-3 are available only in the low-resolution representation.
*** Not directly included in the 1° statistics, but defined as (s5 - s1)/2 and thus computable from the 1° statistics.

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Updated: Nov 8, 2005 23:57:22 UTC