Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set; Release 1
Supplement F: Long Marine Reports, Format LMR.5

0. Introduction

LMR.5 is a hybrid format, packed binary plus characters, designed for efficient re-expression of ocean surface data from the National Climatic Data Center's TD-11 (Tape Deck-11) or other formats. Packed binary methods are employed to store information common to all of TD-11, to which a variable-length string of characters is appended to represent the remainder. This is the complete report format, containing all available fields, supplemental data from original formats (e.g., elements that underwent a questionable conversion), and erroneous characters, as well as "uncertain" duplicates. It has an attachment feature that would allow easy expansion (to add derived data) or contraction (to fix the length) of a report. Nevertheless, it averages roughly one-half the size of a less complete 148-character TD-11 representation (given 8-bit character size).

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with techniques for transferring a binary block into memory and then extracting into INTEGER variables the bit strings whose lengths are given in Tables F0-1 through F0-4. Refer to supp. H for more information. For a general discussion including the advantage in execution time and storage relative to traditional techniques see [3].

Table F0-1
Location Section

 #  Field  Description       True value  Units* Base   Coded  Bits
 0  RPTIN                       n/a       n/a    n/a   n/a      16
 1  BOX10  10° box              1≤648**    1***    0   same     10
 2  YEAR                     1800≤2054     1    1799   1≤255     8
 3  MONTH                       1≤12       1       0   same      4
 4  DAY                         1≤31       1       0   same      5
 5  HOUR                        0≤23       1      -1   1≤24      5
 6  X      lon                  0≤359.9  0.1°E    -1   1≤3600   12
 7  Y      lat              -90.0≤90.0   0.1°N   -901  1≤1801   11
 8  XYI    lat/lon indic.       0≤3        1      -1   1≤4       3
 9  CD     card deck            0≤999      1      -1   1≤1000   10
10  SID    source ID            0≤254      1      -1   1≤255     8
11  ST     ship type            0≤7        1      -1   1≤8       4
12  QI     quality indic.       0≤2        1      -1   1≤3       2
13  DS     dup status           0≤5        1      -1   1≤6       3
14  DC     dup check            0≤2        1      -1   1≤3       2
15  TC     track check          0≤1        1      -1   1≤2       3
16  PB     pressure bias        0≤2        1      -1   1≤3       2
                                              section total    108

* "Units" gives the smallest increment of the data that has been 
encoded. Thus a change of one unit in the integer coded value    
represents a change in the true value of one of the units shown. 
** m≤n denotes "from m through n inclusive."                     
*** Units of 1 are explained in the text describing each section.

Table F0-2
Regular Section

 #  Field  Description          True value   Units     Base   Coded  Bits
17  DI     wind dir. indic.        0≤5         1         -1   1≤6       3
18  D      wind direction          1≤362       1°         0   same      9
19  WI     wind speed indic.       0≤3         1         -1   1≤4       4
20  W      wind speed              0≤102.2   0.1 m s-1   -1   1≤1023   10
21  VI     vis. indic.             0≤2         1         -1   1≤3       2
22  VB     visibility             90≤99        1         89   1≤10      4
23  PW     present weather         0≤99        1         -1   1≤100     7
24  W1     past weather            0≤9         1         -1   1≤10      4
25  W2     2nd past weather        0≤9         1         -1   1≤10      4
26  P      sea level pressure  870.0≤1074.6  0.1 mb    8699   1≤2047   11
27  TI     temp. indic.            0≤5         1         -1   1≤6       4
28  A      air temp.           -99.9≤99.9    0.1°C    -1000   1≤1999   11
29  WB     wet bulb temp.      -99.9≤99.9    0.1°C    -1000   1≤1999   11
30  DPT    dew point temp.     -99.9≤99.9    0.1°C    -1000   1≤1999   11
31  S      sea surface temp.   -99.9≤99.9    0.1°C    -1000   1≤1999   11
32  BI     bucket indic.           0≤2         1         -1   1≤3       4
33  C      total cloud amt.        0≤9         1         -1   1≤10      4
34  NH     lower cloud amt.        0≤9         1         -1   1≤10      4
35  CL     low cloud type          0≤10        1         -1   1≤11      4
36  HI     cloud height indic.     0≤1         1         -1   1≤2       2
37  H      cloud height            0≤10        1         -1   1≤11      4
38  CM     middle cloud type       0≤10        1         -1   1≤11      4
39  CH     high cloud type         0≤10        1         -1   1≤11      4
40  WD     wave direction          0≤38        1         -1   1≤39      6
41  WP     wave period             0≤30        1 s       -1   1≤31      5
42  WH     wave height             0≤49.5     0.5 m      -1   1≤100     7
43  SD     swell direction         0≤38        1         -1   1≤39      6
44  SP     swell period            0≤30        1 s       -1   1≤31      5
45  SH     swell height            0≤49.5     0.5 m      -1   1≤100     7
46  A6     allowance #6 flag       0≤1         1         -1   1≤2       2
                                                       section total  174

Table F0-3
Control Section

 #  Field  Description       True value  Units  Base  Coded  Bits
47  CK     checksum              n/a      n/a    n/a   n/a     14
48  AC     attachment count      1≤15      1      0    same     4
                                                section total  18
                                                total         300

Table F0-4
Irregular Section

 #  Field  Description       True value  Units  Base  Coded  Bits
49  AL     attachment length    1≤255      1      0    same     8
50  AID    attachment ID        1≤15       1      0    same     4
51  AD     attachment data      n/a       n/a    n/a    n/a   n/a

Compression was achieved by packing data represented as positive integers into fields whose lengths are specified in the bits column of Tables F0-1 through F0-4. To accomplish this, a field's floating point true value (within the range of that column) was divided by the appropriate units (the smallest increment of the data that has been encoded). After rounding, the base was subtracted to produce a coded positive integer (within the range of that column), which was finally right-justified with zero fill in the field's appropriate position within the report. Using the sea surface temperature (field 31) true value 28.6°C as an example, (28.6/0.1) - (-1000) = 1286.

Once a given field has been extracted into a coded value, the true value can be reconstructed by reversing the process:

true value = (coded + base) * units
The above true value example is reconstructed by (1286 + (-1000) * 0.1) = 28.6°C. NOTE: in each coded value, zero is reserved as an indicator of missing data. Of course, none of BOX10, YEAR, MONTH, X, or Y should ever be missing, although DAY and HOUR may be missing.

Explanations for each field in Tables F0-1 through F0-4 are given under the corresponding headings that follow, where all information refers to the true value (unless explicit mention is made to the contrary). This supplement is largely self-contained, although some reference is made to TD-11 documentation [5], [6], [7] for fields outside the regular section.* More information about some of the fields, particularly those not in TD-11 or related to duplication elimination, will be found in supp. I, supp. J, or supp. K. The various indicators show the reliability or precision of the data they refer to, and may be extant only if the data are also non-missing (possibly in the erroneous attachment). Algorithms are expressed in FORTRAN.

* Notice is hereby given that some code descriptions, such as those for present weather, are quoted or paraphrased from [5] or [12] without any further indication or credit.

1. Location Section

These bits are reserved for use of the RPTIN unblocking utility, where available (e.g., NCAR). Otherwise they may be ignored.

1) BOX10 10° box
See supp. G for a description of the 10° system, and supp. H for related software.

The year can range from 1800 to 2054.

1=January,2= February,...,12=December.

4) DAY
Day of the month.

00 to 23 GMT.

6) X longitude
7) Y latitude
Position in tenths of a degree +N, -S, +E.

8) XYI lat/lon indicator
XYI shows the precision to which X and Y were originally keyed, or if they are estimates derived later by interpolation between known positions (XYI = 3 is defined but as yet unused):

0 = degrees and tenths
1 = whole degrees
2 = non-random tenths
3 = interpolated
See supp. K for details on how XYI was set. XYI = 2 (non-random tenths) indicates that the tenths positions appear to be from a deck that has a mixture of degrees and tenths (random) and whole degrees (a constant value such as 0 or 5).

9) CD card deck
Number of the source card deck the report came from, as assigned by NCDC. Each CD used is given with an approximate output period of record in Table F1-1.

Table F1-1
Card Deck Assignments (GTS*)

 CD     Description                                                output period
110     U.S. Navy Marine                                               1945-1951
116     U.S. Merchant Marine                                           1945-1963
117     U.S. Navy Hourlies                                             1952-1964

118     Japanese Ships No. 1                                           1930-1953
119     Japanese Ships No. 2                                           1934-1971
128     International Marine (U.S. recruited ships punched in-house)   1900-1978

143     PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) Buoy            1975-1977
150     Pacific (U.S. Responsibility) HSST Netherlands Receipts        1939-1961
151     Pacific (U.S. Responsibility) HSST German Receipts             1862-1960

152     Pacific (U.S. Responsibility) HSST U.K. Receipts               1854-1961
155     Indian (Netherlands Responsibility) HSST                       1861-1960
156     Atlantic (German Responsibility) HSST                          1852-1961

184     Great Britain Marine (194 Extension)                           1953-1961
185     USSR Marine IGY                                                1957-1958
186     USSR Ice Stations                                              1937-1970

187     Japanese Whaling Fleet                                         1946-1956
188     Norwegian Antarctic Whaling Factory Ships                      1932-1939
189     Netherlands Marine                                             1901-1959

192     Deutsche Seewarte Marine                                       1855-1939
193     Netherlands Marine                                             1800-1938
194     Great Britain Marine                                           1856-1955

195     U.S. Navy Ships Logs                                           1941-1946
196     Deutsche Seewarte Marine (192 extension)                       1949-1954
197     Danish Marine                                                  1871-1956

281     U.S. Navy MAR (Monthly Aerological Record)                     1926-1945
555*    Monterey Telecom.                                              1966-1973
666*    Tuna Boats                                                     1971-1975

849*    FGGE (First GARP Global Experiment)                            1978-1979
850*    German FGGE                                                    1978-1979
876-882 NDBC (NOAA Data Buoy Center)                                   1972-1979

888*    GWC (U.S. Air Force Global Weather Central)                    1973-1979
889*    AUTODIN (Dept. of Defense Automatic Digital Network)           1972-1979
891     NODC (National Oceanographic Data Center) Surface              1900-1977

897     Eltanin                                                        1962-1963
898     Japanese                                                       1954-1974
899     South African Whaling                                          1900-1955

900     Australian                                                     1931-1979
901     FOSDIC Reconstructions (card images from 16mm film)            1868-1963
902     Great Britain Marine (184 extension)                           1957-1961

926     IMMPC (International Maritime Meteorological Punch Card)       1956-1979
927     International Marine (U.S. recruited ships punched in-house)   1970-1979
928     Same as 927 including OSV (Ocean Station Vessels)              1970-1974
999*    U.S. Air Force ETAC (Environmental Tech. Applications Center)  1967-1969

* GTS deck (from the Global Telecommunication System); all others are manuscript 
data.  Decks 849-850 are considered GTS although they may have been mixed.       
** Period of record is exact for CMR (supp. D), except that the starting years of
decks 156 and 193 are exact for LMR (both start in 1854 in CMR).                 

10) SID source ID
Each SID may contain a single deck or a mixture of decks; each source ID assigned to date is listed in Table F1-2 together with the format (see supp. I) and character set it was translated from, and the output period of record. (SID 0 is unused and SID 22 was assigned but never translated.)

Table F1-2
Source ID Assignments

SID   CD             Description                  Format    Char     period  
  1   mix            Atlas                        TD-1100   ebcdic  1800-1969
  2   150-2,192      HSST Pacific                 TD-1100   ebcdic  1854-1961
  3   155            HSST Indian                  Exchange  ebcdic  1861-1960
  4   156            HSST Atlantic                Exchange  ascii   1852-1961
  5   mix            Old TDF-11 Supplement B      TD-1100   ebcdic  1854-1975
  6   primarily 128  Old TDF-11 Supplement C      TD-1100   ebcdic  1855-1978
  7   555            Monterey Telecom.            TD-1100   ebcdic  1966-1969
  8   mix            OSV (Ocean Station Vessels)  TD-1100   ebcdic  1945-1973
  9   mix            OSV Supplement               TD-1100   ebcdic  1947-1973
 10   mix            MSQ 486 and 105 Omissions    TD-1100   ebcdic  1854-1939
 11   891            NODC Surface                 TD-1100   ebcdic  1900-1975
 12   891            NODC Surface Supplement      TD-1100   ebcdic  1902-1977
 13   897            Eltanin                      TD-1129M  ebcdic  1962-1963
 14   898            Japanese                     TD-1129   ebcdic  1954-1974
 15   899            South African Whaling        TD-1129M  ebcdic  1900-1955
 16   900            Australian                   TD-1129   ebcdic  1931-1970
 17   926            IMMPC                        TD-1129   ebcdic  1956-1963
 18   mix            '70s Decade                  TD-1129   ascii   1970-1979
 19   926            IMMPC ('70s)                 TD-1129   ebcdic  1970-1979
 20   mix            OSV Z ('70s)                 TD-1100   ebcdic  1971-1974
 21   900            Australian ('70s)            TD-1129   ebcdic  1971-1979
 22   ?              Islas Orcadas ('70s)           n/a      n/a       n/a   
 23   mix            '70s Mislocated Data         TD-1127   ebcdic  1970-1979
 24   143,876-82     Buoy Data                    TD-1129   ebcdic  1972-1979

11) ST ship type
The type of observing vessel was obtained according to supp. I, and the unreliability of this field is discussed in COADS Release 1.
0 = U.S. Navy or "deck" log, or unknown
1 = merchant ship or foreign military
2 = ocean station vessel -- off station or station proximity unknown
3 = ocean station vessel -- on station
4 = lightship
5 = buoy
6 = research ship
7 = expendable or mechanical bathythermograph (XBT or MBT)

12) QI quality indicator
An overall quality measure as yet undefined and maybe reserved for subsequent analysis.

13) DS dup status
Indicates duplicate status to allow for retention of unclear duplicates (see supp. K).

0 = unique
1 = best duplicate
2 = best duplicate with substitution
3 = worse duplicate, uncertain with hour cross
4 = worse duplicate, uncertain with no cross
5 = worse duplicate, uncertain with day cross

14) DC dup check
The presence of a GTS (Global Telecommunication System) and logbook duplicate provides some location verification, with greater credibility if sea level pressure P and sea surface temperature S match under allowances (see supp. K).

0 = GTS and logbook match with P and S match
1 = GTS and logbook match without P and S match
2 = not GTS and logbook match

15) TC track check
TC is currently unused, but reserved to indicate if a report was:

0 = not track checked
1 = track checked
16) PB pressure bias
PB is currently unused, but reserved to indicate the need for an adjustment because of pressure bias on a specific vessel:
0 = pressure bias adjustment unneeded
1 = pressure bias adjustment has been made
2 = pressure bias adjustment needed

2. Regular Section

17) DI wind direction indicator
DI shows the compass (and approximate precision) used for reporting the wind direction:

0 = 36-point compass
1 = 32-point compass
2 = 16 of 36-point compass
3 = 16 of 32-point compass
4 = 8-point compass
5 = 360-point compass

18) D wind direction
The wind direction is stored in whole degrees (i.e., 360 point compass), or with special codes:

361 = calm
362 = variable
For data converted from TD-11, a translation from the code value to D in whole degrees was made according to Table F2-1 (blank indicated an undefined conversion). All other data (Exchange format) were already recorded in whole degrees, so no translation was made. Consequently, for a given compass, only decks 155 and 156 (or source IDs 3 and 4) may have wind directions different than those shown in Table F2-1, since no checks for conformity were made.

Table F2-1
Translation of Wind Direction Code into Degrees

         |           DI           
   Code  |  0    1    2    3    4 
    01   |  10   11             ? 
    02   |  20   23   25   23   ? 
    03   |  30   34             ? 
    04   |  40   45        45   ? 
    05   |  50   56   45        ? 
    06   |  60   68        68   ? 
    07   |  70   79   65        ? 
    08   |  80   90        90   ? 
    09   |  90  101   90          
    10   | 100  113       113     
    11   | 110  124  115          
    12   | 120  135       135     
    13   | 130  146               
    14   | 140  158  135  158     
    15   | 150  169               
    16   | 160  180  155  180     
    17   | 170  191               
    18   | 180  203  180  203     
    19   | 190  214               
    20   | 200  225  205  225     
    21   | 210  236               
    22   | 220  248       248     
    23   | 230  259  225          
    24   | 240  270       270     
    25   | 250  281  245          
    26   | 260  293       293     
    27   | 270  304  270          
    28   | 280  315       315     
    29   | 290  326  295          
    30   | 300  338       338     
    31   | 310  349               
    32   | 320  360  315  360     
    33   | 330                    
    34   | 340       335          
    35   | 350                    
    36   | 360       360          
00(calm) | 361  361  361  361     
 99(var) | 362  362  362  362     

The rationale for the degree values shown in Table F2-1 is as follows. DI=2 winds were translated to degrees based on the way the original 36-point values were translated to 16-point when the data were punched at NCDC. This translation was necessary since the punching equipment was designed specifically for entering 16-point winds. The 36 points were punched as the nearest point on the 16-point compass. Averaging the points included in each 16-point group results in direction values as shown. For example, 20 and 30 degrees were included as the first point (code 02) so 25 degrees is used as the best estimate of the direction in degrees. Seventy, 90, and 100 were punched as the fourth point (code 09) and 90 is used. DI = 3 winds were translated as a simple 16 point compass, since it is not clear how the 32 point winds were translated to 16 point. DI = 4 winds were indicated only in the Exchange format and had already been translated into unknown degrees, hence the question marks.

19) WI wind speed indicator
20) W wind speed
Wind speed is stored in tenths of a meter per second. WI shows the units from which W was converted and the method by which it was originally recorded:

0 = meter per second, estimated (or unknown)
1 = meter per second, measured
2 = knot, estimated (or unknown)
3 = knot, measured
NOTE: no indication is given as to the precision from which W was converted, e.g., whole knots.

21) VI visibility indicator
22) VB visibility
VI shows whether VB was:

0 = estimated (or unknown method of observation)
1 = measured
2 = fog present (rarely-used code that is now obsolete, with special meaning in conjunction with VB = 93)

Codes 90 to 99 for VB correspond to horizontal visibility at the surface in kilometers:

90 = < 0.05 kilometers
91 = 0.05
92 = 0.2
93 = 0.5
94 = 1
95 = 2
96 = 4
97 = 10
98 = 20
99 = 50 or more
NOTE: when VI = 2, and VB = 93, it means that fog was present and visibility was not reported.

23) PW present weather
Codes 00 to 99 (leading zeros are strictly notational, e.g., for use in comparison with past weather). Codes 00 to 49 indicate no precipitation at the station (e.g., ship) at time of observation.

00 = cloud development not observed.
01 = clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed.
02 = state of the sky unchanged.
03 = clouds generally forming or developing.
04 = visibility reduced by smoke.
05 = haze.
06 = widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at time of observation.
07 = dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirls or sand whirls and no dust storm or sandstorm seen.
08 = well developed dust whirls or sand whirls seen at or near the station during the preceding hour or at time of observation, but no dust storm or sandstorm.
09 = dust storm or sandstorm within sight at time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour.
10 = light fog (visibility 1,100 yards or more); synonymous with European term "mist."
11 = patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, not deeper than about 10 meters.
12 = more or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, not deeper than about 10 meters.
13 = lightning visible, no thunder heard.
14 = precipitation within sight, not reaching the surface of the sea.
15 = precipitation within sight, reaching the surface of the sea, but more than 5 kilometers from the station.
16 = precipitation within sight, reaching the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station.
17 = thunderstorm, but no precipitation at time of observation.
18 = squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at time of observation.
19 = funnel cloud or waterspout at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at time of observation.

Codes 20 to 29 refer to phenomena that occurred at the station during the preceding hour but not at time of observation.

20 = drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains.
21 = rain (not freezing).
22 = snow.
23 = rain and snow or ice pellets, type (a).
24 = freezing drizzle or freezing rain.
25 = shower of rain.
26 = shower of snow, or of rain and snow.
27 = shower of hail (ice pellets, type (b), snow pellets), or of rain and hail.
28 = fog or ice fog.
29 = thunderstorm (with or without precipitation).

Codes 30 to 99 refer to phenomena occurring at the ship at time of observation.

30 = slight or moderate dust storm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour.
31 = slight or moderate dust storm or sandstorm with no appreciable change during the preceding hour.
32 = slight or moderate dust storm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour.
33 = severe dust storm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour.
34 = severe dust storm or sandstorm with no appreciable change during the preceding hour.
35 = severe dust storm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour.
36 = slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level, less than 6 feet).
37 = heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level, less than 6 feet).
38 = slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level, 6 feet or more).
39 = heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level, 6 feet or more).
40 = fog or ice fog at a distance at time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer.
41 = fog or ice fog in patches.
42 = fog or ice fog (sky visible) has become thinner during the preceding hour.
43 = fog or ice fog (sky invisible) has become thinner during the preceding hour.
44 = fog or ice fog (sky visible) with no appreciable change during the preceding hour.
45 = fog or ice fog (sky invisible) with no appreciable change during the preceding hour.
46 = fog or ice fog (sky visible) has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour.
47 = fog or ice fog (sky invisible) has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour.
48 = fog, depositing rime, sky visible.
49 = fog, depositing rime, sky invisible.
Codes 50 to 99 indicate precipitation at the station at time of observation.
50 = drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation.
51 = drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation.
52 = drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation.
53 = drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation.
54 = drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation.
55 = drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation.
56 = drizzle, freezing, slight.
57 = drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense).
58 = drizzle and rain, slight.
59 = drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy.
60 = rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation.
61 = rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation.
62 = rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation.
63 = rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation.
64 = rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation.
65 = rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation.
66 = rain, freezing, slight.
67 = rain, freezing, moderate or heavy.
68 = rain or drizzle and snow, slight.
69 = rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy.
70 = intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation.
71 = continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation.
72 = intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation.
73 = continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation.
74 = intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation.
75 = continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation.
76 = ice prisms (with or without fog).
77 = snow grains (with or without fog).
78 = isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog).
79 = ice pellets, type (a) (sleet, U.S. definition).
80 = rain shower, slight.
81 = rain shower, moderate or heavy.
82 = rain shower, violent.
83 = shower of rain and snow mixed, slight.
84 = shower of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy.
85 = snow shower, slight.
86 = snow shower, moderate or heavy.
87 = slight showers of snow pellets or ice pellets, type (b), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed.
88 = moderate or heavy showers of snow pellets or ice pellets, type (b), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed.
89 = slight showers of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder.
90 = moderate or heavy showers of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow, mixed, not associated with thunder.
91 = slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during preceding hour but not at time of observation.
92 = moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during preceding hour but not at time of observation.
93 = slight snow, or rain and snow mixed, or hail, at time of observation with thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation.
94 = moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed, or hail, at time of observation with thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation.
95 = thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail, but with rain and/or snow at time of observation.
96 = thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail at time of observation.
97 = thunderstorm, heavy, without hail but with rain and/or snow at time of observation.
98 = thunderstorm combined with dust storm or sandstorm at time of observation.
99 = thunderstorm, heavy, with hail at time of observation.

24) W1 past weather
25) W2 second past weather
Codes 0 to 9 have the same meaning for W1 and W2, which more or less corresponds to that implied by the leading (tens) digit of present weather. The period covered by W1 and W2 is 6 hours for observations at 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 GMT, and 3 hours for observations at 0300, 0900, 1500, and 2100 GMT. W1 and W2 are intended to contain the higher and lower, respectively, of two codes that describe as fully as possible the weather during the appropriate period, or both W1 and W2 may contain the same code. W2 became effective only starting on 1 January 1982, so it should always be missing before that date.

0 = cloud covering one-half or less of the sky throughout the appropriate period.
1 = cloud covering more than one-half of the sky during part of the appropriate period and covering one-half or less during part of the period.
2 = cloud covering more than one-half of the sky throughout the appropriate period.
3 = sandstorm, dust storm, or blowing snow.
4 = fog, ice fog, or thick haze (U.S. includes thick smoke).
5 = drizzle.
6 = rain.
7 = snow, or rain and snow mixed.
8 = shower.
9 = thunderstorm with or without precipitation.

26) P sea level pressure
In tenths of a millibar.

27) TI temperature indicator
28) A air temperature
29) WB wet bulb temperature
30) DPT dew point temperature
31) S sea surface temperature
Temperatures are stored in tenths of a degree Celsius. TI shows the precision and units that A, WB, DPT, and S were recorded in or translated to (see supp. I):

0 = degrees Celsius and tenths
1 = whole degrees Celsius
2 = half degrees Celsius
3 = degrees Fahrenheit and tenths
4 = whole degrees Fahrenheit
5 = half degrees Fahrenheit

32) BI bucket indicator
Shows the method by which S was taken:

0 = unknown
1 = bucket
2 = implied bucket (an HSST SID or any match thereof)
NOTE: BI values 0 and 1 are unreliable at least for U.S. recruited ships (i.e., country code 0K or 02) until starting on 1 May 1973, or perhaps earlier (see COADS Release 1, and for country codes see [6]).

33) C total cloud amount
34) NH lower cloud amount
For C, codes 0 to 9 show the fraction of the celestial dome covered by all clouds. For NH they show the fraction of the celestial dome covered by all the low (CL) clouds and, if no CL cloud is present, the fraction covered by all the middle (CM) clouds present:

0 = clear.
1 = 1 okta or less, but not zero.
2-6 = 2-6 oktas.
7 = 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas.
8 = 8 oktas.
9 = sky obscured or cloud amount cannot be estimated.

35) CL low cloud type
Codes 0 to 10 show characteristics observed of clouds of the types stratocumulus, stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus, and their variations:

0 = no stratocumulus, stratus, cumulus, or cumulonimbus.
1 = cumulus with little vertical extent and seemingly flattened, or ragged cumulus other than of bad weather, or both.
2 = cumulus of moderate or strong vertical extent, generally with protuberances in the form of domes or towers, either accompanied or not by other cumulus or by stratocumulus, all having their base at the same level.
3 = cumulonimbus the summits of which, at least partially, lack sharp outlines but are neither clearly fibrous (cirriform) nor in the form of an anvil; cumulus, stratocumulus, or stratus may also be present.
4 = stratocumulus formed by the spreading out of cumulus; cumulus may also be present.
5 = stratocumulus not resulting from the spreading out of cumulus.
6 = stratus in a more or less continuous sheet or layer, or in ragged shreads, or both, but no stratus fractus of bad weather.
7 = stratus fractus of bad weather (generally existing during precipitation and a short time before and after) or cumulus fractus of bad weather, or both (pannus), usually below altostratus or nimbostratus.
8 = cumulus and stratocumulus other than that formed from the spreading out of cumulus; the base of the cumulus is at a different level from that of the stratocumulus.
9 = cumulonimbus, the upper part of which is clearly fibrous (cirriform), often in the form of an anvil; either accompanied or not by cumulonimbus without anvil or fibrous upper part, by cumulus, stratocumulus, stratus, or pannus.
10 = low clouds not visible, owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena.

36) HI cloud height indicator
Shows if the cloud height H was:

0 = estimated
1 = measured

37) H cloud height
Codes 0 to 10. Codes 0 to 9 show the height above sea surface of the base of the lowest cloud or fragment thereof as given by Table F2-2.

Table F2-2
Cloud Height Codes

      |     Approximate height    
 Code |    Feet          Meters   
  0   |    0-149         0-49     
  1   |    150-299       50-99    
  2   |    300-599       100-199  
  3   |    600-999       200-299  
  4   |    1000-1999     300-599  
  5   |    2000-3499     600-999  
  6   |    3500-4999     1000-1499
  7   |    5000-6499     1500-1999
  8   |    6500-7999     2000-2499
  9   |    ≥8000 or      ≥2500 or 
      |    no clouds     no clouds

Code 10 indicates H cannot be estimated because of darkness or for other reasons.

38) CM middle cloud type
Codes 0 to 10 show characteristics observed of clouds of the types altocumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus:

0 = no altocumulus, altostratus, or nimbostratus.
1 = altostratus, the greater part of which is semi-transparent; through this part the sun or moon may be weakly visible, as through ground glass.
2 = altostratus, the greater part of which is sufficiently dense to hide the sun or moon, or nimbostratus.
3 = altocumulus, the greater part of which is semi-transparent; the various elements of the cloud change only slowly and are all at a single level.
4 = patches (often in the form of almonds or fishes) of altocumulus, the greater part of which is semi-transparent; the clouds occur at one or more levels and the elements are continually changing in appearance.
5 = semi-transparent altocumulus in bands, or altocumulus in one or more fairly continuous layers (semi-transparent or opaque), progressively invading the sky; these altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole.
6 = altocumulus resulting from the spreading out of cumulus (or cumulonimbus).
7 = altocumulus in two or more layers, usually opaque in places, and not progressively invading the sky; or opaque layer of altocumulus, not progressively invading the sky; or altocumulus together with altostratus or nimbostratus.
8 = altocumulus with sproutings in the form of small towers or battlements; or altocumulus having the appearance of cumuliform tufts.
9 = altocumulus of a chaotic sky, generally at several levels. 10 = middle clouds not visible, owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena, or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds.

39) CH high cloud type
Codes 0 to 10 show characteristics observed of clouds of the types cirrus, cirrocumulus and cirrostratus:

0 = no cirrus, cirrocumulus or cirrostratus.
1 = cirrus in the form of filaments, strands, or hooks, not progressively invading the sky.
2 = dense cirrus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a cumulonimbus, or cirrus with sproutings in the form of small turrets or battlements, or cirrus having the appearance of cumuliform tufts.
3 = dense cirrus, often in the form of an anvil, being the remains of the upper parts of cumulonimbus.
4 = cirrus in the form of hooks or of filaments, or both, progressively invading the sky; they generally become denser as a whole.
5 = cirrus (often in bands converging towards one point or two opposite points of the horizon) and cirrostratus, or cirrostratus alone; in either case, they are progressively invading the sky, and generally growing denser as a whole, but the continuous veil does not reach 45 degrees above the horizon.
6 = cirrus (often in bands converging towards one point or two opposite points of the horizon) and cirrostratus, or cirrostratus alone; in either case, they are progressively invading the sky, and generally growing denser as a whole; the continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky being totally covered.
7 = veil of cirrostratus covering the celestial dome.
8 = cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not completely covering the celestial dome.
9 = cirrocumulus alone, or cirrocumulus accompanied by cirrus or cirrostratus, or both, but cirrocumulus is predominant.
10 = high clouds not visible, owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena, or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds.

40) WD wave direction
Codes 0 to 38. Codes 0 to 36 show the direction from which (wind) waves come, in tens of degrees:

0 = calm
1 = 005-014°
2 = 015-024°
3 = 025-034°
4 = 035-044°
5 = 045-054°
6 = 055-064°
7 = 065-074°
8 = 075-084°
9 = 085-094°
10 = 095-104°
11 = 105-114°
12 = 115-124°
13 = 125-134°
14 = 135-144°
15 = 145-154°
16 = 155-164°
17 = 165-174°
18 = 175-184°
19 = 185-194°
20 = 195-204°
21 = 205-214°
22 = 215-224°
23 = 225-234°
24 = 235-244°
25 = 245-254°
26 = 255-264°
27 = 265-274°
28 = 275-284°
29 = 285-294°
30 = 295-304°
31 = 305-314°
32 = 315-324°
33 = 325-334°
34 = 335-344°
35 = 345-354°
36 = 355-004°
Codes 37 and 38 show:
37 = waves confused, direction indeterminate (wave height ≤ 4.75 meters).
38 = waves confused, direction indeterminate (wave height > 4.75 meters).
NOTE: In their conversion of data into TD-11, NCDC usually substituted wind direction into missing WD since 1 January 1968, when WD was no longer ordinarily reported. Instead of continuing this practice, modifications were made to properly QC the wave fields without actually substituting wind direction (see supp. J), thereby preserving any remaining information regarding whether WD was separately reported.

41) WP wave period
The old codes for periods WP and SP (swell period) have been converted to whole seconds as given by Tables F2-3 or F2-4, choosing the higher of 2-second class intervals where applicable. (Periods in whole seconds were taken in preference to the old codes if both were available, e.g., from TD-1127 or TD-1129.)

Table F2-3
Conversion for WP Always, and for SP Prior to 1968

Seconds   Code      Interval                     
   5        2       5 seconds or less            
   7        3       6-7 seconds                  
   9        4       8-9 seconds                  
  11        5       10-11 seconds                
  13        6       12-13 seconds                
  15        7       14-15 seconds                
  17        8       16-17 seconds                
  19        9       18-19 seconds                
  21        0       20-21 seconds                
  22        1       over 21 seconds              
   0        -       calm or period not determined

Table F2-4
Conversion for SP Beginning 1 January 1968

Seconds   Code      Interval                     
  10        0       10 seconds                   
  11        1       11 seconds                   
  12        2       12 seconds                   
  13        3       13 seconds                   
  14        4       14 seconds or more           
   5        5       5 seconds or less            
   6        6       6 seconds                    
   7        7       7 seconds                    
   8        8       8 seconds                    
   9        9       9 seconds                    
   0        -       calm or period not determined

42) WH wave height
Codes 0 to 99 show the height in 0.5 meter increments:
0 = less than 0.25 meters
1 to 99 = 0.5 to 49.5 meters

Note: The above description of wave height, from the original published edition of COADS Release 1, refers to printed values rather than the stored data. Wave (and swell) height were actually stored as meters to tenths (with a half-meter increment), according to Table F0-2. This contrasts with "height in 1/2 meter increments" as used in TD-11 (i.e., 1=0.5 m, 2=1 m, etc.). However, the format of the wave and swell height fields (WH/SH) as printed by the data access programs is also "height in 1/2 meter increments." This is because all decimal points are removed by a uniform procedure: the programs divide each FTRUE value by the corresponding units as listed, for WH/SH, in Table F0-2. Only in the case of WH/SH, which have units of 0.5 m, does this produce a non-intuitive result. E.g.: LON=33.80/0.01 = 3380, versus WH=6.5/0.5 = 13 printed.

43) SD swell direction
44) SP swell period
45) SH swell height
As given by the corresponding wave fields WD, WP, and WH.

46) A6 allowance #6 flag
Both reports matched under dupelim allowance #6 (see supp. K) were assigned a value showing the number of hours by which the HSST Indian report lagged the deck 193 report, after which either or both reports may have been output:

0 = six hours, or
1 = seven hours

3. Control Section

47) CK checksum
A checksum was computed and stored with each report as a measure of reliability during storage and transmission. The checksum is computed by

  1. Summing coded values of all other fields in the report besides RPTIN and the checksum.
  2. Obtaining the modulo (28 - 1) of the sum.
Repeating this calculation for every unpacked report, and then verifying that the checksum so obtained agrees with the coded checksum stored in the report, is strongly encouraged. For example, supposing that the coded values of the preceding fields 1 through 46 (excluding RPTIN) are available in an array FIELD, the checksum CK is computed and verified against the stored checksum CKS in FORTRAN as follows:

          INTEGER CK,J,FIELD(46),CKS
          CK = 0
          DO 500 J = 1,46
     500  CK = CK + FIELD(J)
          CK = MOD(CK,255)
          IF(CK .NE. CKS) THEN
            PRINT *,'ERROR. CK = ',CK,' .NE. CKS = ',CKS

Note that using modulus 28-1 takes into account every bit of CK, versus chopping at the eighth bit using modulus 28. In addition the top 6 bits are unused.

48) AC attachment count
Shows that AC attachments, as described in sec. 4, follow.

4. Irregular Section

The combined length of the preceding three sections is 300 bits, which is equivalent in length to 75 4-bit characters. Appended after bit 300 are AC attachments (unless AC is zero) whose purpose is to contain information that does not conveniently fit into the binary section of the format. Currently implemented are attachments 1, 4, and 5:

Attachment 1 = quality control flags generated in the quality control program.
Attachment 4 = supplemental data from the original input format.
Attachment 5 = fields that contain invalid characters or out of range values in the original input format.
Each attachment contains three fields:

49) AL attachment length
AL is the length of the attachment data following AID in 4-bit bytes.

50) AID attachment ID
Numeric identifier of this attachment.

1 = quality control flags
4 = supplemental data
5 = error fields
51) AD attachment data
Attachment data are defined in the following.

Attachment 1. Quality Control Flags

Flag values generated by the NCDC defined QC procedure (see supp. J) were stored in TD-11 as alphabetic characters given in Table F4-1, together with their coded (or true value) equivalents as stored in LMR.

Table F4-1
QC Flag Meaning

Char   Coded   Weight   Meaning      Reason                
 R       1       0      correct      --                    
 A       2       1      correctable  legality              
 B       3       1      correctable  internal consistency  
 J       4       2      suspect      internal consistency  
 K       5       2      suspect      time                  
 L       6       2      suspect      extreme (mean ± 4.8 σ)
 M       7       3      erroneous    legality              
 N       8       3      erroneous    internal consistency  
 Q       9       3      erroneous    extreme (mean ± 5.8 σ)
 S      10       3      missing      --                    

One of the possible flag values was assigned to each of the flags given in Table F4-2.

Table F4-2
QC Flag Order and Possible Values

                                  | Possible flag values (X)
 # Flag              Coded  Bits  |   R A B J K L M N Q S   
--------------------------------- |-------------------------
 1 ship position      1≤10    4   |   X           X         
 2 wind               1≤10    4   |   X X   X     X   X X   
 3 visibility         1≤10    4   |   X           X     X   
 4 present weather    1≤10    4   |   X   X X   X X     X   
 5 past weather       1≤10    4   |   X     X     X     X   
 6 pressure           1≤10    4   |   X         X X   X X   
 7 air temp.          1≤10    4   |   X     X   X X X X X   
 8 wet bulb temp.     1≤10    4   |   X   X     X X X X X   
 9 dew point temp.    1≤10    4   |   X   X     X X X X X   
10 sea surface temp.  1≤10    4   |   X         X X   X X   
11 cloud              1≤10    4   |   X   X X       X   X   
12 wave               1≤10    4   |   X X X X     X X X X   
13 swell              1≤10    4   |   X   X X     X X X X   
14 pressure tendency  1≤10    4   |   X       X   X     X   
15 quality code       1≤43    8   |                         
                           ----   |                         
   total                     64   |                         

The quality code is the sum of the weight of flags 1-14. NOTE: in each coded value, zero is reserved as an indicator of a missing flag. Thus the quality code true value is actually:
quality code true value = coded - 1
For the flags, the coded and true values are the same.

Attachment 2.

Not currently implemented.

Attachment 3.

Not currently implemented.

Attachment 4. Supplemental Data

All fields not converted to binary and other designated fields are packed into a character string. For TD-1100, TD-1127, and TD-1129 formats this consists of all characters beginning in position 78, 78, and 79, respectively. For the Exchange format this consists of characters from positions 33-35 and 42-46. Refer to supp. I for more details on these formats.

Since the vast bulk of the data is numeric, or numeric overpunch, a 4/8/12-bit "ship" character set was used that maximizes compression but has close ties to ebcdic. These rules were followed in translation to the ship character set:

a) All numeric characters are translated into values 0-9 (equivalent to the low order 4 bits of ebcdic).

b) Spaces translate to the value 10.

c) A subset of other characters is stored as 8-bit where the first 4 bits contain 12, 13, or 14. (See Table F4-3.)

d) Characters not appearing in Table F4-3 are represented by a 4-bit flag of 15, followed by the original 8-bit character.

e) More than 2 consecutive spaces are represented by a 4-bit flag of 11, followed by a 4-bit count of the (number minus three) of consecutive spaces that these 8 bits replaced. Thus a count of 0=3 spaces, 1=4 spaces,..., 15=18 spaces. Trailing spaces are simply omitted.

Table F4-3
4/8/12-bit Ship Character Table*

                |       High-order 4-bit byte        
                |  Empty    11     12     13     14  
              0 |    0     3 sp (12-0) (11-0)        
              1 |    1     4 sp    A      J      /   
              2 |    2     5 sp    B      K      S   
              3 |    3     6 sp    C      L      T   
              4 |    4     7 sp    D      M      U   
              5 |    5     8 sp    E      N      V   
              6 |    6     9 sp    F      O      W   
low-order     7 |    7    10 sp    G      P      X   
4-bit byte    8 |    8    11 sp    H      Q      Y   
              9 |    9    12 sp    I      R      Z   
             10 |   1 sp  13 sp    &      -      *   
             11 |  8-bit  14 sp    +                 
             12 |  8-bit  15 sp                      
             13 |  8-bit  16 sp                      
             14 |  8-bit  17 sp                      
             15 | 12-bit  18 sp                      

* Read the value of the first 4-bit byte as low-order. 
If "8-bit" is shown, this byte is read instead as      
high-order and the next 4-bit byte as low-order. If    
"12-bit" is shown, the next 8-bit byte is the original 
input character. A run of n spaces is denoted by n sp. 
Blank positions in the table will be defined as needed.

Attachment 5. Error Fields

Note: This section, Attachment 5, was accidentally left out of the published edition of COADS Release 1.

All characters within this attachment are maintained in the original 8-bit character set. When a field is encountered that has invalid characters or is out of range, the entire field is stored in this attachment. Each field is preceded by an 8-bit field identifier that contains the field number according to Tables F0-1 or F0-2 and a 4-bit field that contains the character count for the field.

MAIN | supp. A | supp. B | supp. C | supp. D | supp. E | supp. F | supp. G | supp. H | supp. I | supp. J | supp. K